I am using Oracle EE 8.1.7


Is there a way to select a variable similar to selecting a normal column of a table?  Or do I have to user dbms_output.put_line….


For example, can this:



   lv_FirstName varchar2(20);

   lv_LastName varchar2(20);


   lv_FirstName := 'rick';

   lv_LastName := 'stephenson';

   dbms_output.put_line(lv_FirstName||' '||lv_LastName);





be written something like this:



   lv_FirstName varchar2(20);

   lv_LastName varchar2(20);


   lv_FirstName := 'rick';

   lv_LastName := 'stephenson';

   select lv_FirstName, lv_LastName from dual;




Maybe I am off my rocker, but I thought I would at least ask.

When I run this, it tells me that it is looking for an INTO variable.  I don’t want to put it into a variable, I want it to return as if it were a select statement.



Thanks for your help,


Rick Stephenson


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