Title: Standby Database-No space on Disk

Hello All
Oracle 8.1.7, WINNT4.
On our standby Database box, we have run out of space on the partition which was holding the Temporary tablespace. Now the problem is that when ever I try to start the recovery, it gives the message that there is no space on the disk.

How would I add another datafile to the temporary tablespace? Database is a standby databse with the controlfile for the standby database. Is there a simple way to add a datafile to the tablespaces on a standby database. Or should I shutdown the database, move the datafile to another partition, repartition this old-temporary partition by adding more space to it. And then copy that temporary-datafile back to this old partition and startup the database for the Standby mode.

Would appreciate any prompt suggestions.

Hussain Ahmed Qadri
Database Administrator
Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital & Research Centre

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