SVRMGR> @/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.7/rdbms/admin/utlbstat.sql

-- let it collect data for 12 - 15 minutes

SVRMGR> @/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.7/rdbms/admin/utlestat.sql

Upload the resultant report.txt file to www.oraperf.com

Review the results to identify where the bottleneck really is.


> Raghu Banaji wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a customer who runs an ERP application written using
> ORACLE. Almost all code is written using PL/SQL packages. There are about
> 80-100 users
> at any given point of time(6 AM - 11 PM). Oracle version is Standard
> Edition.
> All the four CPU's on their server is pegged at 100% for most of the time.
> This is resulting
> in end users complaning about slow performance and slower log-ons to the
> application.
> This issue has been occuring consistently for over 2-3 weeks now. Archive
> logging is enabled
> and the database is normally shutdown once a week for cold backup.
> The Admin guys have been monitoring the server using Performance monitor and
> find that Oracle.exe is the process consuming 99% of the resource. Memory
> usage is
> constant and there is plenty of it free. Hard disk drives show no activity. A
> normal
> assumption would be that disk drives would be going crazy with all
> the CPU activity going on, but that does not seem to be the case.
> Oracle software and one PRODuction database exist on this server.
> Their Server configuration consists of:
> Windows 2000 OS (Advanced Server), with 4 Pentium III Xeon processors (each
> 700 Mhz),
> 4 Gb RAM and 2 disk drives on seperate disk controllers. Hard drives are of
> 15,000 RPM's.
> Step 1:
> I started looking into this issue since last week and the first area I
> concentrated
> was on finding SQL statements that were taking too many hits or taking too
> long to complete.
> I was able to tune almost 10 of the top SQL statements last week. In most of
> the previous performance
> issues I have been involved with this has resulted in huge performance gains
> and life went on.
> In this situation, tuning these top 10 SQL's did result in small gains, but
> did not make
> any difference to the CPU contention. They still continued to be pegged at
> 100% most of the times.
> Step 2:
> The next step I took was to find out if there were hard parsing going on. As
> mentioned in a number
> of articles here, this would cause the CPU to work extra harder.
> My check resulted in only 2 SQL statement that were hard parsed.
> Based on the fact that there are a number of very big jobs, user queries
> and other activities that go on a daily basis, should I really worry about it
> ?
> Step 3:
> Next step was to increase the number of rollback segments from 5 to 35.
> Previously, there
> were 5 big rollback segments. Now, there are 35 medium sized rollback segments
> spread over
> 2 rollback tablespaces. This step was taken yesterday and so far there has
> been no improvement
> as far as CPU pegging goes. It is still pegged at 100%
> Step 4:
> Certain articles in Metalink suggested that one of the reasons
> that would make the CPU spin continously would be SMON working overtime
> to clean up a large number of temporary extents, or to coalesce a large number
> of free extents.
> This can manifest itself by SMON appearing to spin, consuming a high
> percentage of CPU for
> long periods. I really dont know how to test this statement. PCT_INCREASE is
> set to 0 for
> all the tablespaces except SYSTEM and one ROLLBACK tablespace.
> I will re-set PCT_INCREASE to 0 for the second ROLLBACK tablespace also. Apart
> from this I
> really dont know what else I can look for. My temporary tablespace is around 3
> GB.
> Is there a SQL statement that I can run and find out if there is a problem
> with SMON?
> Step 5:
> The final step was to run Statspack on this instance for about 25 minutes.
> I have copied extracts from some of the data that would be of interest.
> Hard parses and the Top 5 waits seem to be the issue atleast in this report.
> Could some one share some of your experience in the area of tuning these wait
> events
> and what you would recomend me to do next. My CPU is still pegged at 100%.
> STATSPACK report for
> DB Name         DB Id    Instance     Inst Num Release     OPS Host
> ------------ ----------- ------------ -------- ----------- --- ------------
> PROD          3888465932 prod                1   NO  ERP1
>                 Snap Id     Snap Time      Sessions
>                 ------- ------------------ --------
>  Begin Snap:         31 26-Apr-02 09:21:38      169
>    End Snap:         41 26-Apr-02 09:46:03      169
>     Elapsed:                  24.42 (mins)
> Cache Sizes
> ~~~~~~~~~~~
>            db_block_buffers:     131072          log_buffer:     163840
>               db_block_size:       8192    shared_pool_size:  314572800
> Load Profile
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~                            Per Second       Per Transaction
>                                    ---------------       ---------------
>                   Redo size:              9,606.78              2,352.32
>               Logical reads:              5,806.11              1,421.69
>               Block changes:                 59.60                 14.59
>              Physical reads:                 62.26                 15.24
>             Physical writes:                  8.04                  1.97
>                  User calls:                 45.08                 11.04
>                      Parses:                 41.91                 10.26
>                 Hard parses:                  1.65                  0.40
>                       Sorts:                 31.24                  7.65
>                      Logons:                  6.69                  1.64
>                    Executes:                751.70                184.06
>                Transactions:                  4.08
>   % Blocks changed per Read:    1.03    Recursive Call %:   98.11
>  Rollback per transaction %:    0.40       Rows per Sort:   12.31
> Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%)
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>             Buffer Nowait %:  100.00       Redo NoWait %:  100.00
>             Buffer  Hit   %:   98.93    In-memory Sort %:   99.96
>             Library Hit   %:   99.81        Soft Parse %:   96.06
>          Execute to Parse %:   94.42         Latch Hit %:   99.53
> Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %:   66.72     % Non-Parse CPU:  100.00
>  Shared Pool Statistics        Begin   End
>                                ------  ------
>              Memory Usage %:   73.87   74.79
>     % SQL with executions>1:   83.50   78.94
>   % Memory for SQL w/exec>1:   91.68   89.19
> Top 5 Wait Events
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                             Wait     % Total
> Event                                               Waits  Time (cs)   Wt Time
> -------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ -------
> latch free                                         40,846       23,727   43.38
> log file sync                                       5,928       11,155   20.39
> db file sequential read                             7,137        6,486   11.86
> db file scattered read                              4,979        5,123    9.37
> db file parallel write                                559        3,592    6.57
>           -------------------------------------------------------------
> Wait Events for DB: PROD  Instance: prod  Snaps: 31 -41
> -> cs - centisecond -  100th of a second
> -> ms - millisecond - 1000th of a second
> -> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last)
>                                                                     Avg
>                                                      Total Wait    wait  Waits
> Event                               Waits   Timeouts  Time (cs)    (ms)   /txn
> ---------------------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ------ ------
> latch free                         40,846     29,097      23,727      6    6.8
> log file sync                       5,928          0      11,155     19    1.0
> db file sequential read             7,137          0       6,486      9    1.2
> db file scattered read              4,979          0       5,123     10    0.8
> db file parallel write                559          0       3,592     64    0.1
> log file parallel write             5,922          0       1,574      3    1.0
> direct path write                     780          0       1,472     19    0.1
> direct path read                      360          0         725     20    0.1
> SQL*Net more data to client         4,301          0         316      1    0.7
> buffer busy waits                     331          0         240      7    0.1
> control file parallel write           489          0          95      2    0.1
> log file sequential read              258          0          59      2    0.0
> SQL*Net break/reset to clien           98          0          54      6    0.0
> control file sequential read           64          0          39      6    0.0
> log file switch completion              1          0          19    190    0.0
> file open                             121          0           9      1    0.0
> refresh controlfile command             6          0           6     10    0.0
> file identify                           5          0           4      8    0.0
> enqueue                                62          0           2      0    0.0
> LGWR wait for redo copy                13          0           1      1    0.0
> log file single write                   2          0           1      5    0.0
> SQL*Net message from client        40,023          0  15,565,837   3889    6.7
> SQL*Net more data from clien        1,782          0       3,385     19    0.3
> SQL*Net message to client          40,029          0          10      0    6.7
>           -------------------------------------------------------------
> Background Wait Events for DB: PROD  Instance: prod  Snaps: 31 -41
> -> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last)
>                                                                     Avg
>                                                      Total Wait    wait  Waits
> Event                               Waits   Timeouts  Time (cs)    (ms)   /txn
> ---------------------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ------ ------
> db file parallel write                559          0       3,592     64    0.1
> log file parallel write             5,922          0       1,575      3    1.0
> db file scattered read                 18          0          96     53    0.0
> control file parallel write           489          0          95      2    0.1
> log file sequential read              258          0          59      2    0.0
> direct path read                       16          0          41     26    0.0
> db file sequential read                12          0          36     30    0.0
> control file sequential read           44          0          34      8    0.0
> file identify                           5          0           4      8    0.0
> direct path write                      16          0           2      1    0.0
> file open                              53          0           1      0    0.0
> LGWR wait for redo copy                13          0           1      1    0.0
> log file single write                   2          0           1      5    0.0
> rdbms ipc message                  11,667      1,373     734,101    629    2.0
> smon timer                              5          5     153,604 ######    0.0
> pmon timer                            484        471     146,444   3026    0.1
>           -------------------------------------------------------------
> Tablespace IO Stats for DB: PROD  Instance: prod  Snaps: 31 -41
> ->ordered by IOs (Reads + Writes) desc
> Tablespace
> ------------------------------
>                  Av      Av     Av                    Av        Buffer Av Buf
>          Reads Reads/s Rd(ms) Blks/Rd       Writes Writes/s      Waits Wt(ms)
> -------------- ------- ------ ------- ------------ -------- ---------- ------
>          7,971       5    9.7     4.9        1,998        1          0    0.0
>          2,238       2    9.6     1.0        2,607        2          0    0.0
>            467       0    0.0     3.5        1,717        1          0    0.0
>          1,736       1    8.0    27.7           65        0          0    0.0
>              1       0    0.0     1.0        1,412        1         18    2.8
>              1       0    0.0     1.0        1,054        1         25    7.2
>            180       0   17.8     1.7          196        0        291    7.5
>              1       0    0.0     1.0            1        0          0    0.0
>              1       0    0.0     1.0            1        0          0    0.0
>              1       0    0.0     1.0            1        0          0    0.0
>              1       0    0.0     1.0            1        0          0    0.0
>              1       0    0.0     1.0            1        0          0    0.0
>              1       0    0.0     1.0            1        0          0    0.0
>           -------------------------------------------------------------
> File IO Stats for DB: PROD  Instance: prod  Snaps: 31 -41
> ->ordered by Tablespace, File
> Tablespace               Filename
> ------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------
>                  Av      Av     Av                    Av        Buffer Av Buf
>          Reads Reads/s Rd(ms) Blks/Rd       Writes Writes/s      Waits Wt(ms)
> -------------- ------- ------ ------- ------------ -------- ---------- ------
>              1       0    0.0     1.0            1        0          0
>              1       0    0.0     1.0            1        0          0
>              1       0    0.0     1.0            1        0          0
>              1       0    0.0     1.0            1        0          0
>          1,309       1    7.7     1.0        1,126        1          0
>                          E:\ORACLE\ORADATA\PROD\INDEXES02PROD.DBF
>            929       1   12.4     1.0        1,481        1          0
>          1,736       1    8.0    27.7           65        0          0
>              1       0    0.0     1.0        1,412        1         18    2.8
>              1       0    0.0     1.0        1,054        1         25    7.2
>            180       0   17.8     1.7          196        0        291    7.5
>          6,006       4    9.0     5.0          640        0          0
>                          C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\PROD\TABLES02PROD.DBF
>          1,799       1   11.5     4.9          439        0          0
>                          C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\PROD\TABLES03PROD.DBF
>            166       0   16.0     1.3          919        1          0
>            467       0    0.0     3.5        1,717        1          0
>              1       0    0.0     1.0            1        0          0
>              1       0    0.0     1.0            1        0          0
>           -------------------------------------------------------------
> Buffer Pool Statistics for DB: PROD  Instance: prod  Snaps: 31 -41
> -> Pools   D: default pool,  K: keep pool,  R: recycle pool
>                                                       Free    Write     Buffer
>        Buffer    Consistent    Physical   Physical  Buffer Complete       Busy
> P        Gets          Gets       Reads     Writes   Waits    Waits      Waits
> - ----------- ------------- ----------- ---------- ------- -------- ----------
> D      94,258             0      89,605      7,323       0        0        331
>           -------------------------------------------------------------
> Buffer wait Statistics for DB: PROD  Instance: prod  Snaps: 31 -41
> -> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc
>                                  Tot Wait    Avg
> Class                    Waits  Time (cs) Time (cs)
> ------------------ ----------- ---------- ---------
> data block                 288        217         1
> undo block                  31         23         1
> undo header                 12          0         0
>           -------------------------------------------------------------
> Latch Activity for DB: PROD  Instance: prod  Snaps: 31 -41
> ->"Get Requests", "Pct Get Miss" and "Avg Slps/Miss" are statistics for
>   willing-to-wait latch get requests
> ->"NoWait Requests", "Pct NoWait Miss" are for no-wait latch get requests
> ->"Pct Misses" for both should be very close to 0.0
>                                                 Pct    Avg                 Pct
>                                    Get          Get   Slps       NoWait NoWait
> Latch Name                       Requests      Miss  /Miss     Requests   Miss
> ----------------------------- -------------- ------ ------ ------------ ------
> Token Manager                            100    0.0                 865    0.0
> active checkpoint queue latch          1,034    0.0                   0
> archive control                            2    0.0                   0
> archive process latch                      2    0.0                   0
> cache buffer handles                   5,746    0.0                   0
> cache buffers chains              13,651,872    0.2    0.3      175,126    0.0
> cache buffers lru chain              227,524    0.0    0.0       93,360    0.0
> channel handle pool latch                 78    0.0                  75    0.0
> channel operations parent lat            156    0.0                  75    0.0
> checkpoint queue latch                26,413    0.0    0.0            0
> dml lock allocation                   30,592    0.0    0.0            0
> enqueue hash chains                   76,995    0.1    0.0            0
> enqueues                             126,629    0.0    0.0            0
> event group latch                         78    0.0                   0
> job_queue_processes parameter             29    0.0                   0
> ktm global data                            5    0.0                   0
> latch wait list                       25,992    2.6    0.0       25,458    0.1
> library cache                     11,816,196    0.8    0.3        7,389    3.9
> library cache load lock                3,562    0.0                   0
> list of block allocation              15,785    0.0                   0
> loader state object freelist              48    0.0                   0
> longop free list                          24    0.0                   0
> messages                              43,113    0.1    0.0            0
> multiblock read objects               14,194    0.0                   2    0.0
> ncodef allocation latch                   29    0.0                   0
> process allocation                        78    0.0                  78    0.0
> process group creation                   153    0.0                   0
> redo allocation                       56,319    0.0    0.0            0
> redo writing                          31,295    0.1    0.1            0
> row cache objects                  2,109,497    0.7    0.0        1,807    1.2
> sequence cache                         4,521    0.0                   0
> session allocation                   254,745    0.3    0.9            0
> session idle bit                     156,902    0.0    0.0            0
> session switching                         29    0.0                   0
> shared pool                          730,592    0.2    0.7            0
> sort extent pool                         626    0.0                   0
> transaction allocation                23,864    0.0    0.0            0
> transaction branch allocation             29    0.0                   0
> undo global data                      28,240    0.0    0.0            0
> user lock                              2,466    0.0                   0
>           -------------------------------------------------------------
> Latch Sleep breakdown for DB: PROD  Instance: prod  Snaps: 31 -41
> -> ordered by misses desc
>                                 Get                                  Spin &
> Latch Name                    Requests         Misses      Sleeps Sleeps 1->4
> -------------------------- -------------- ----------- ----------- ------------
> library cache                  11,816,196      99,185      33,165 75514/15759/
>                                                                   6572/1340/0
> cache buffers chains           13,651,872      21,801       6,025 16002/5580/2
>                                                                   12/7/0
> row cache objects               2,109,497      15,580          22 15563/13/3/1
>                                                                   /0
> shared pool                       730,592       1,547       1,023 1011/214/184
>                                                                   /138/0
> session allocation                254,745         669         576 215/334/118/
>                                                                   2/0
> latch wait list                    25,992         666           2 664/2/0/0/0
> enqueue hash chains                76,995          42           2 40/2/0/0/0
> redo writing                       31,295          21           2 19/2/0/0/0
>           -------------------------------------------------------------
> Latch Miss Sources for DB: PROD  Instance: prod  Snaps: 31 -41
> -> only latches with sleeps are shown
> -> ordered by name, sleeps desc
>                                                      NoWait             Waiter
> Latch Name               Where                       Misses     Sleeps  Sleeps
> ------------------------ -------------------------- ------- ---------- -------
> cache buffers chains     kcbrls: kslbegin                 0      5,308   1,183
> cache buffers chains     kcbgtcr: kslbegin                0        542   4,558
> cache buffers chains     kcbgcur: kslbegin                0         93      77
> cache buffers chains     kcbnlc                           0         38      29
> cache buffers chains     kcbchg: kslbegin: bufs not       0         29     116
> cache buffers chains     kcbchg: kslbegin: call CR        0          8      43
> cache buffers chains     kcbzwb                           0          5       4
> enqueue hash chains      ksqgtl3                          0          2       1
> latch wait list          kslfre                           9          2       2
> library cache            kglpnal: child: alloc spac       0      9,080   1,703
> library cache            kglpnal: child: before pro       0      7,673   2,840
> library cache            kglhdgn: child:                  0      3,714   2,445
> library cache            kglpin                           0      3,367   4,698
> library cache            kglget: child: KGLDSBYD          0      3,350   3,705
> library cache            kglpnc: child                    0      1,648   6,515
> library cache            kgllkdl: child: cleanup          0      1,350   1,763
> library cache            kglget: child: KGLDSBRD          0        411      60
> library cache            kglhdgc: child:                  0        400     256
> library cache            kglupc: child                    0        353   6,335
> library cache            kglic                            0        164      37
> library cache            kgldti: 2child                   0         88     206
> library cache            kglpnp: child                    0         88   1,424
> library cache            kgllkdl: child: free pin         0         48     756
> library cache            kglobpn: child:                  0         10      67
> library cache            kglrtl                           0          9       8
> library cache            kglati                           0          2       6
> library cache            kgldtld: 2child                  0          2      15
> redo writing             kcrfsr                           0          2       0
> row cache objects        kqrpre: find obj                 0         14      22
> row cache objects        kqreqd: rel enqueue              0          6       0
> row cache objects        kqreqd                           0          2       0
> session allocation       ksuxds: KSUSFCLC not set         0        571     321
> session allocation       ksucri                           0          5     170
> shared pool              kghfrunp: clatch: nowait         0      1,327       0
> shared pool              kghfrunp: alloc: clatch no       0        798       0
> shared pool              kghfrunp: clatch: wait           0         77     179
> shared pool              kghfre                           0         72     180
> shared pool              kghalo                           0         66      98
> shared pool              kghfrunp: alloc: wait            0         39      10
> shared pool              kghfnd: min scan                 0         23       0
> shared pool              kghupr1                          0         16     726
> shared pool              kghfnd: get next extent          0          3       0
> shared pool              kghalp                           0          2       7
> shared pool              kghfen: not perm alloc cla       0          2       2
> shared pool              kghfnd: req scan                 0          2       0
>           -------------------------------------------------------------
> Dictionary Cache Stats for DB: PROD  Instance: prod  Snaps: 31 -41
> ->"Pct Misses"  should be very low (< 2% in most cases)
> ->"Cache Usage" is the number of cache entries being used
> ->"Pct SGA"     is the ratio of usage to allocated size for that cache
>                            Get         Pct     Scan   Pct      Mod  Final  Pct
> Cache                    Requests     Miss Requests  Miss      Req  Usage  SGA
> ---------------------- ------------ ------ -------- ----- -------- ------ ----
> dc_constraints                    0               0              0     19   95
> dc_database_links                 0               0              0      0    0
> dc_files                          0               0              0      9   90
> dc_free_extents                  89    2.2        4   0.0        4     12   92
> dc_global_oids                    0               0              0      0    0
> dc_histogram_data                 0               0              0      0    0
> dc_histogram_data_valu            0               0              0      0    0
> dc_histogram_defs            13,280    3.1        0              0    461   98
> dc_object_ids                15,375    1.5        0              0    431  100
> dc_objects                  399,318    0.2        0              0    634   99
> dc_outlines                       0               0              0      0    0
> dc_profiles                   1,254    0.0        0              0      2   33
> dc_rollback_segments            360    0.0        0              0     37   97
> dc_segments                  11,200    3.2        0              2    403   96
> dc_sequence_grants                0               0              0      0    0
> dc_sequences                  1,728    0.1        0          1,711     28   97
> dc_synonyms                  22,494    0.1        0              0     17   74
> dc_tablespace_quotas              4   25.0        0              1      1   50
> dc_tablespaces                  164    0.0        0              0      6   86
> dc_used_extents                   2  100.0        0              2     22   96
> dc_user_grants                  714    3.1        0              0     39   98
> dc_usernames                 42,550    0.1        0              0     60   76
> dc_users                    195,137    0.0        0              0     57   83
> ifs_acl_cache_entries             0               0              0      0    0
>           -------------------------------------------------------------
> Library Cache Activity for DB: PROD  Instance: prod  Snaps: 31 -41
> ->"Pct Misses"  should be very low
>                     Get       Pct        Pin        Pct               Invali-
> Namespace         Requests    Miss     Requests     Miss     Reloads  dations
> --------------- ------------ ------ -------------- ------ ---------- --------
> BODY                  18,433    0.1         15,316    0.6         78        0
> CLUSTER                   33    0.0             52    0.0          0        0
> INDEX                      0                     0                 0        0
> OBJECT                     0                     0                 0        0
> PIPE                       0                     0                 0        0
> SQL AREA              50,725    3.5      1,458,283    0.3        868        1
> TABLE/PROCEDURE      466,088    0.1      1,418,995    0.1        949        0
> TRIGGER                   38    0.0             38    2.6          1        0
>           -------------------------------------------------------------
> SGA Memory Summary for DB: PROD  Instance: prod  Snaps: 31 -41
> SGA regions                       Size in Bytes
> ------------------------------ ----------------
> Database Buffers                  1,073,741,824
> Fixed Size                               75,804
> Redo Buffers                            172,032
> Variable Size                       358,588,416
>                                ----------------
> sum                               1,432,578,076
>           -------------------------------------------------------------
> SGA breakdown difference for DB: PROD  Instance: prod  Snaps: 31 -41
> Pool        Name                        Begin value      End value  Difference
> ----------- ------------------------ -------------- -------------- -----------
> java pool   free memory                  20,000,768     20,000,768           0
> shared pool DML locks                       480,000        480,000           0
> shared pool KGFF heap                        11,768         11,768           0
> shared pool KGK heap                          2,028          2,028           0
> shared pool KQLS heap                     2,874,304      3,057,788     183,484
> shared pool PL/SQL DIANA                  5,501,492      5,489,688     -11,804
> shared pool PL/SQL MPCODE                18,309,204     17,349,528    -959,676
> shared pool PLS non-lib hp                    2,096          2,096           0
> shared pool SYSTEM PARAMETERS                63,536         63,536           0
> shared pool State objects                   355,984        355,984           0
> shared pool branches                         96,240         96,240           0
> shared pool character set object             43,892         43,892           0
> shared pool db_block_buffers             17,825,792     17,825,792           0
> shared pool db_block_hash_buckets         2,228,248      2,228,248           0
> shared pool db_handles                      150,000        150,000           0
> shared pool dictionary cache              1,539,524        912,252    -627,272
> shared pool enqueue_resources               293,040        293,040           0
> shared pool event statistics per ses      1,152,400      1,152,400           0
> shared pool fixed allocation callbac            964            964           0
> shared pool free memory                  88,469,492     85,339,500  -3,129,992
> shared pool ktlbk state objects             171,200        171,200           0
> shared pool library cache                43,032,076     44,494,836   1,462,760
> shared pool long op statistics array        110,000        110,000           0
> shared pool message pool freequeue          124,552        124,552           0
> shared pool messages                         52,800         52,800           0
> shared pool miscellaneous                 1,204,540      1,214,988      10,448
> shared pool processes                       242,400        242,400           0
> shared pool sessions                        722,260        722,260           0
> shared pool sql area                    152,405,144    155,450,648   3,045,504
> shared pool state objects                   649,360        674,560      25,200
> shared pool table columns                    16,632         17,460         828
> shared pool table definiti                    3,008          3,648         640
> shared pool transaction_branches             73,600         73,600           0
> shared pool transactions                    356,800        356,800           0
> shared pool trigger defini                    3,240          3,240           0
> shared pool trigger inform                      660            540        -120
>             db_block_buffers          1,073,741,824  1,073,741,824           0
>             fixed_sga                        75,804         75,804           0
>             log_buffer                      163,840        163,840           0
>           -------------------------------------------------------------
> Thanks,
> Raghu

Charlie Mengler                           Maintenance Warehouse  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                          10641 Scripps Summit Ct.
858-831-2229                              San Diego, CA 92131    
Am I sure? Of course I'm sure. I could be wrong, but I'm sure for now!
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Author: Charlie Mengler

Fat City Network Services    -- (858) 538-5051  FAX: (858) 538-5051
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