Kewl! Oracle has finally grasped the concept of a slow query log.
Glad to see Oracle is at least trying to catch up to MySQL.
--Walt Weaver
   Bozeman, Montana
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 7:48 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: {9i New Features: V$SQL_PLAN}

Welcome to the next installment of 9i new features(and yes when 9iR2 is released, we'll start this series all over again, woohoo)
In the mean time, here is the scoop on v$sql_plan view.

This view provides a way of examining the execution plan for cursors that were recently executed.

The view has about the same info as the output of an explain plan and this is intentional, the big difference is output from an explain
is in theory what would happen but this view contains the actual plan as to what happened.

So is this of any use, probably, think about this, you can now see the plan that was executed.  This has some really kewl uses for those
of us who are still not up to speed in the whole "wait state" tuning concept(which yours truly is included).
This help you see that bad code in the database.
So of the columns in this view, which one are most useful????
Address and hash_value join to v$sqlarea.
Address,hash_value and child_number join to v$sql
Address and hash_value join to v$sqltext

Most of the rest of the columns are what you'd find in a normal plan table.

There's not much else to say about this v$ view, except if nothing else, I've finally now know which columns to join on on those v$sql* views.

Like always, send hate mail to /dev/null, all others to [EMAIL PROTECTED].

PS:  anyone have any special requests that they'd like to know about but don't have the time, let me know.

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