I did switch a database's archiving mode from NOARCHIVELOG to ARCHIVELOG. I then enabled automatic archiving of filled groups by setting


 in the database's parameter file.  Finally I used

alter system archive log start;

to enable automatic archiving of filled online redo log group without shutting down the current instance.  For some reason, when using the SQL*Plus statement

archive log list;

 it shows the archiving information for the connected instance:

database log mode    ARCHIVELOG

automatic archival     ENABLED


But when I shutdown immediate then startup the instance with database open, I then issue the

archive log list;    this time the

automatic archival  DISABLED.  Anyone came across this problem and had a fix.  Please direct me how to fix it.  I just wanted to archive online logs to multiple locations, then back up the archived logs. Please help.

Thanks in advance.  Your help is greatly appreciated.


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