Hi gurus
I have two tables like this
SQL> select * from bb;
        ID     AMOUNT         DT
---------- ---------- ------------------------------
         1       1000          10-MAY-02
SQL> select * from cc;
        ID     AMOUNT
---------- -------------------
         1        200
         1        300
         1        500
My query like this
SQL>  select a.id,sum(a.amount),sum(b.amount)  from bb a,cc b  where
  2   a.id=b.id
  3    group by
  4    a.id;
        ID     SUM(A.AMOUNT)     SUM(B.AMOUNT)
        ---------- ------------- ----------------------------------------
         1          3000                     1000
**** Based on the details table rows it sum up three times the master amount ,that is why it shows 3000.
But my output should be like this
        ID     SUM(A.AMOUNT)     SUM(B.AMOUNT)
        ---------- ------------- ----------------------------------------
         1          1000                     1000
Anybody can help me in this issue please.

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