
I found the following SQL from Tim Gorman's site...

this will create a file , which can be run to pin the objects, It Pins
CURSORS as well as the other objects ( not the tables ).

set tab off echo off feedback off timing off trimout on pause off
set trimspool on pages 0 lines 500 verify off
col instance new_value V_INSTANCE noprint
select  lower(replace(t.instance,chr(0),'')) instance
from    sys.v$thread        t,
        sys.v$parameter     p
where = 'thread'
and     t.thread# = to_number(decode(p.value,'0','1',p.value));
col sort0 noprint
col sort1 noprint
col sort2 noprint
col sort3 noprint
spool run_pin_&&V_INSTANCE..sql
prompt whenever sqlerror exit failure
prompt set echo on feedback on timing on pagesize 100
prompt spool run_pin_&&V_INSTANCE
select  decode(kept, 'YES', 'unkeep', 'keep') sort0,
        type sort1,
        owner sort2,
        name sort3,
        'exec dbms_shared_pool.' ||
        decode(kept, 'YES', 'unkeep', 'keep') || '(''' ||
        owner || '.' || name || ''',''' ||
        decode(type,    'TYPE', 'T',
                        'TRIGGER', 'R',
                        'SEQUENCE', 'Q', 'P') || ''');' text
from    sys.v$db_object_cache
where   ((executions >= 100 and kept = 'NO')
    or   (executions < 100 and kept = 'YES'))
select distinct decode(o.kept, 'YES', 'unkeep', 'keep') sort0,
        o.type sort1,
        o.owner sort2, sort3,
        'exec dbms_shared_pool.' ||
        decode(o.kept, 'YES', 'unkeep', 'keep') || '(''' ||
        a.address || ', ' || a.hash_value || ''');' text
from    sys.v$db_object_cache   o,
        sys.v$sqlarea           a
where   ((o.executions >= 100 and o.kept = 'NO')
    or   (o.executions < 100 and o.kept = 'YES'))
and     o.type in ('CURSOR', 'INVALID TYPE')
and     a.sql_text =
order by 1 desc, 2 asc, 3 asc, 4 asc;
prompt spool off
spool off
--/*REM start run_pin_&&V_INSTANCE*/


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 9:34 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L


I ran your query as we have been in the process of tuning our shared pool,
and I have a question. When you see many more loads than executions for a
given table, is it a safe bet that the application in question is executing
queries that have that table in the from clause, but it is not being used by
that query ? For example, a table has 33 loads and 5 executions. Could I say
that 28 loads were caused by a query that had that table referenced, but not
used (and causing a full table scan, because that's what Oracle does when
you reference, but do not use, a table (in the from clause) ?

Thank you,

Paul Sherman
DBA    Elcom, Inc.

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