Hi Gabriel

The agent configuration is very version dependent so please inform the 
version of Oracle you are trying to use.
Here is how to start the Agent with 9.2, 9i and properly 8.1.7

[oracle@mirpgr bin]$ agentctl

          agentctl start|stop|status|restart [agent]
          agentctl start|stop|status         blackout [<target>]
                   [-d/uration <timefmt>] [-s/ubsystem <subsystems>]

        The following are valid options for blackouts
         <target>    name of the target. Defaults to node target.
         <timefmt>   is specified as [days] hh:mm
         <subsystem> is specified as [jobs events collections]
                     defaults to all subsystems

[oracle@mirpgr bin]$ agentctl start

DBSNMP for Linux: Version - Production on 04-JUN-2002 08:59:54

Copyright (c) 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Starting Oracle Intelligent Agent....
Agent started

[oracle@mirpgr bin]$ agentctl status

DBSNMP for Linux: Version - Production on 04-JUN-2002 09:00:04

Copyright (c) 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Version             : DBSNMP for Linux: Version - Production
Oracle Home         : /home2/oracle/product/9.2.0
Started by user     : oracle
Agent is running since 06/04/02 08:59:56

Gabriel C Millerd wrote:

>i have read and read about this beast but most of the documentation is
>very confusing (more reference than howto) and the 'tips' seems to be
>folkloreish or guesses.
>i gather there are some things that need to be done to these files:
>and that the 'lsnrctl' should have the dbsnmp_(start|stop) options. mine
>doesnt but i assume that is because it isnt configured properly or i
>mooked something else up.
>any help you can give me would be great ... thanks
>Gabriel C. Millerd



Peter Gram

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