Title: RE: Things to do when writing scripts in the Korn Shell

Tell Korny jokes.

Jerry Whittle
NCI Information Systems Inc.

    -----Original Message-----

    Just some humor to pass the day.  Top things you can do while writing
    scripts in the Korn Shell:

    *  Listen to a Korn CD
    *  Eat some popKorn
    *  Munch on a roasted ear of Korn
    *  Rub the Korns on your feet
    *  Have a Cream Korn fight with your mate in the next cube.
    *  See how many Korn Chips you can burn in a glass ashtray before it expodes
    from the heat.

    Ok, so I had two seconds to think of these things as I was listening the new
    Korn CD, writing a Korn Shell script. 

    Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: http://www.orafaq.com
    Author: Jenkins, Michael - EDS

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