Please run STATSPACK - which will give systemwide database performance diagnostics
- you could check the hitratios, top wait events and resource consuming queries
once report taken - upload it to - for suggestions
check metalink article
 NOTE.149121.1 Gathering a StatsPack snapshot  - if you can log into metalink


Chetan wrote:

Thanks ,

I looked into the database. There r some waits happening on the undo blocks (non-system) but could not figure out whether this could possibly cause such a slowdown of the system. Also there were some indexes newly created on some of the tables which are causing problems.

What's the best approch anyways to hunt down the problem in a situation like this ?

- Chetan


cheten ,find processid of the application , look into database waits , that will give u some hint .Also look into db buffers to find if there are full table scans flushing db buffer . btw Did u ran statistics  ? -Bigp
----- Original Message -----
From: Chetan
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 3:38 AM
Subject: Oracle Performance Tuning steps
 Hi guys ,

Need some help. Actually we are looking here at a Oracle 8.1.7 db on HP-UNIX. The application was running fine uptil yesterday. Suddenly a part of the appln is running extremely slow. I can not figure what might be the problem. Wanted to track this down asap.

Here is some information about the db.

Database size - 20GB

Optimizer - CHOOSE

Disk Structure - RAID 1+0

No. of processors - 4

Block Size - 8K

Archivelog mode : ARCHIVELOG

Please tell me what should be the ideal way I should try to trace the problem. I thought of running UTLBSTAT/UTLESTAT or STATSPACK and asked the user to run that part of the appln. Has anybody worked with STATSPACK before ?

Can anybody tell me what should accurate and fastest way to hunt down the problem ? I think its something to do with indexes or changes in the queries.

Also can someone tell me the ideal backup strategy for this database considering the fact that it's a 24x7 system.

Thanks in advance .

Chetan Chindarkar

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