Title: RE: Ids and passwords for application users

> -----Original Message-----
>   If a common login is used (which is the case with most
> applications),
> dbms_application_info can be used to set the actual username
> in either the
> module or action. As long as the application is not using
> dbms_application_info
> to set both, you should be able to get the info from v$session.

Sure, but I will repeat what I said before:
a) It's easier to write code if the user is determined by the Oracle userid rather than by
 v$session.client_info. Trigger example:
create trigger orders_set_user
 before insert or update on orders
 for each row
   :new.last_upd_user := user ;
end orders_set_user ;

b) How do you plan on hiding the password from the user, or, more importantly, changing the
   password if it becomes compromised?

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