Title: RE: what is wrong with this idea ...


You would be denormalizing to hopefully improve performance. The only way to tell is to test and test some more. Personally I don't see how putting the info in the parent table with either method will improve things. I bet updates and inserts will take longer.

    "using a INSTR (or SUBSTR) command."

That will be slow. A function based index MIGHT help but I doubt it.

    "(the list of status codes is fairly static)"

If the status codes were chiseled in stone, I MIGHT consider doing something like that. But things always change and even 'stones' erode. Adding or even subtracting one status code could require updating a lot of forms, reports, and SQL statements each time.

From a performance standpoint, it might be much better to tune what you already have.

Jerry Whittle
NCI Information Systems Inc.

    -----Original Message-----
    From:   Gurelei [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

    Hi. We have a table in our data warehouse which keeps
    info about calls made. This table has a child table
    with some detailed information about parts of the
    call. There may be any number of "parts" within a call
    (1 to many) and every part has a status.

    MY developer wants to add a string field to the parent
    table which will concatinate all the statuses for
    all the parts within this call. For example if
    a call has 4 parts and their statuses are "A","B","A"
    and "F", the value of that field will be "ABFA". Then
    the developer will be able to query smalle parent
    table instead of a large child table in order to see
    how many calls had at least one part with status "A"
    or statuses "A" and "F" etc by using a INSTR (or
    SUBSTR) command.

    Would it be better (from performance/CPU standpoint)
    to add several separate fields: STATUS_A_CNT,
    STATUS_B_CNT (the list of status codes is fairly
    static) instead? There is something about this string
    that rubs me the wrong way, but I can't put my finger
    on it.

    Any thoughts?

    thank you


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