Title: RE: Same SQL statement, Same Oracle, Different OS ==> Different Expla

(see answer below)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sam Bootsma [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> One of our developers is encountering a situation where
> Oracle 9.0.x explain
> plan chooses one index when on UNIX, and chooses a different
> index when
> running on Windows NT.  I'd appreciate any insights or
> similar experiences.
> The following are the facts:
> 1. The explain plan is run against the same SELECT statement on both
> platforms
> 2. It has been confirmed that there are no statistics on either of the
> databases
> 3. Both databases are using RBO (not CBO)
> 4. The UNIX database has about 100 times as many rows (in
> this table) as the
> NT database
> 5. The SELECT statement that gives different explain plans on
> different
> platforms is:
> FN.MKEY = :cMkey AND
> FN.CLNT = :sKey AND
> FN.DATE_FROM <= :dDate AND
> FN.SOURCE = :cSource AND
> FN.TSTATUS  =  'O'
> 6. Between the following 2 indexes, Oracle 9.0x chooses (2)
> on Unix and (1)
> on Windows NT.
> 1) clnt, mkey, planno, fu_code, date_from, source, tracode, tsecond...
> 2) date_from, clnt, planno, mkey, fu_code

Just a wild guess, but maybe the optimizer is just picking the first index it finds because it thinks both are equally good candidates. Were both indexes created in the same order on both databases?

I.e. is Object_id (from dba_objects) for Index A smaller than object_id for Index B on the UNIX database, but the reverse is true on Windows?

You say the databases are using RBO. How do you know? Remember that if you use some new features
(from the manual: Partitioned tables and indexes
Index-organized tables
Reverse key indexes
Function-based indexes
SAMPLE clauses in a SELECT statement
Parallel query and parallel DML
Star transformations and star joins
Extensible optimizer
Query rewrite with materialized views
Enterprise Manager progress meter
Hash joins
Bitmap indexes and bitmap join indexes
Index skip scans )
the query optimizer will use CBO because new features are not supported by RBO.

Finally, this section of the manual may help you guess what's happening:
Oracle9i Database Performance Guide and Reference
Part Number A87503-02
Chapter 8
Using the Rule-Based Optimizer
Understanding Access Paths for the RBO

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