>----- Original Message -----
>To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
>Sent: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 05:13:28
>Hi All,
>We have users who sql access who will issue long
>running queries(you know
>the type) and just shuts down their computer while
>I assume once sent to the server that server is
>still executing it or will
>it die once connection is broken. Can someone
>explain what actually
>happens in this scenario.
>Is there anyway to detect/kill process.


   When a user runs a query it sends it (usually via a TCP/IP socket) to a server 
process which runs it on its behalf. It is possible to ask for sockets to test the 
link at regular intervals in which case you receive a SIGPIPE signal when it is broken 
but I don't know if Oracle does it (it must have a cost) nor if it does it on all 
platforms nor in all configurations (MTS springs to my mind). In any case, the server 
detects that something is wrong when it has some result to send back, in which case 
pmon can terminate and clean the session (in the favorable case :-)), but I doubt it 
is done earlier. I must say that I were Oracle I wouldn't rush to terminate things, 
especially when you have some features such as transparent application failover and 
all kind of 'transparent' retries which you may have to deal with. There must be some 
timeout before any action is taken.
  I don't think that you can spot such a case, short of checking from the server that 
you can ping the clients (get 'machine' in V$SESSION) and/or check that the (OS) pid 
which started the session is still alive and kicking on the client machine.


Stephane Faroult
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