Title: moving non system segments

I was playing around with Tim Gorman's hc.sql (health check) and
would like to move these objects into the USER tablespace.  I would
like assistance in additional things to consider.

I haven't actualy used the command but believe I would use:
  ALTER <object_type> <owner>.<segment_name> MOVE <new_tablespace>;

am curious if there is an issue with access against "in transit" objects.

.The following non-SYS accounts have objects in SYSTEM ts
.   AURORA$JIS$UTILITY$ (67 segments using        1.09Mb)
.   CSMIG (7 segments using        0.19Mb)
.   MDSYS (31 segments using        1.27Mb)
.   ORDSYS (10 segments using        0.21Mb)
.   OSE$HTTP$ADMIN (3 segments using        0.05Mb)
.   SYSTEM (160 segments using        2.80Mb)

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