Title: RE: Avoding Mutation of Table trigger
This can be simply solved by eliminating the WHEN condition on the trigger and encapsulating that condition as part of a If .. THEN ... END IF statement.

Rajendra Jamadagni              MIS, ESPN Inc.

Rajendra dot Jamadagni at ESPN dot com

Any opinion expressed here is personal and doesn't reflect that of ESPN Inc.

QOTD: Any clod can have facts, but having an opinion is an art!

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 12:13 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: Database Trigger not fireing In Delete Mode

Hi all,
I have  row level table trigger  to fire on DELETE or INSERT or UPDATE Mode .
It has to fire on certain condition, meaning I have a WHEN condition also.
WHEN Condition is like :
       when ( NEW.CR_ACCOUNT is not null and   NEW.CHQ_DT is not null )
Since, in DELETE mode NEW value contains null  ,  it does not fire.
This Problem would have solved if could write WHEN Condition as
       when ((INSERTING or UPDATING) and NEW.CR_ACCOUNT is not null
                  and   NEW.CHQ_DT is not null ) OR
                (DELETING and OLD.CR_ACCOUNT is not null  and   OLD.CHQ_DT is not null )
But in WHEN condition one can not write INSERTING or UPDATING.
How do i go about it ? Any round about way ?
Thanks & Regards.
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