Title: RE: Win2k Perl accessing Oracle Parameters?

Thanks for the input, both of you!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Jared Still [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 5:35 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: Re: Win2k Perl accessing Oracle Parameters?

In addition to BIshop's excellent response, be sure to install
the latest version of Tie:Registry.  The one that comes with
ActiveState Perl doesn't work properly.

The current version (as installed from ActiveState via PPM)
is I believe 1.24.  Just reinstall it.


On Tuesday 29 October 2002 01:53, Bishop Lewis wrote:
> Here's something to read registry keys I used a while back. Obviously needs
> the win32 module installed.
> use Win32::Registry;
> $terminal = $ARGV[0];
> $HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->Connect ($terminal, $hNode) || die "Cannot connect to
> $node";
> $hNode->Open ("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Winlogon",
> $hKey) || die "Cannot open registry !";
> $hKey->GetValues (\%values);
> $hKey->Close ();
> $hNode->Close ();
> foreach $value (keys(%values)) {
>   $RegType = $values{$value}->[1];
>   $RegValue = $values{$value}->[2];
>   $RegKey = $values{$value}->[0];
>   if ($RegKey eq "DefaultUserName") {$username = $RegValue;
>     print "$RegValue\n";
>   }
> }
> exit;
> Modify accordingly. HTH.
> Lewis Bishop
> ---
> Barclays Enable - ISS - E-NTRUST/Bexleyheath NT
> Oracle Database Consultant
> Watling Street, Bexleyheath, Kent, DA6 7RR (Mail Van R)
> Phone : 020 8298 3418
> Mobile: 07950 380857
> "Enabling Competitive Advantage for Barclays in IT and Business Processing"
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: 29 October 2002 08:43
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> This header confirms that this email message has been swept for the
> presence of computer viruses.
> Corporate IT
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hello All,
> I am writing an perl script. I cann't figure out and have been going
> through the docs, but cann't find exactly what I need.
> A way to access Oracle Parameters as they are set up in the Win2k
> registary. I am specifically thinking of ORACLE_HOME. I do know how to
> obtain an environmental variable/parameter with $ENV{}.
> But the ORACLE_HOME is not an environmental parameter per se.
> I have a workaround by setting it up in the enviroment, however I would
> like to write this script with the aim at it being machine unspecific.
> (Jared, hope you can answer me on this. Want to get a copy of your book,
> unfortunately with the exchange rate and import taxes etc it will cost me
> R590,00. Quiet a chunk of the ole budget, maybe early next year.)
> Regards
> Denham Eva
> Oracle DBA
> "UNIX is basically a simple operating system, but you have to be a genius
> to understand the simplicity."
> Dennis Ritchie.
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> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3DArial><span =
> >
> 10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy'>Here's something to read registry
> keys I used a while back. Obviously needs the win32 module =
> installed.<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3DArial><span =
> >
> 10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></span></font></p>=
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><span class=3DGramE><font size=3D2 color=3Dnavy =
> face=3DArial><span
> >
> ></span><font
> size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3DArial><span =
> >
> color:navy'> Win32::Registry;<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3DArial><span =
> >
> 10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></span></font></p>=
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3DArial><span =
> >
> 10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy'>$terminal =3D $<span =
> class=3DGramE>ARGV[</span>0];<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3DArial><span =
> >
> 10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></span></font></p>=
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3DArial><span =
> >
> 10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy'>$HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-&gt;Connect
> ($terminal, $<span class=3DSpellE>hNode</span>) || die &quot;Cannot =
> connect to
> $node&quot;;<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3DArial><span =
> >
> 10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy'>$<span =
> class=3DSpellE>hNode</span>-&gt;Open
> (&quot;SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\<span =
> class=3DSpellE>CurrentVersion\\Winlogon</span>&quot;,
> $<span class=3DSpellE>hKey</span>) || die &quot;Cannot open <span =
> class=3DGramE>registry
> !</span>&quot;;<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3DArial><span =
> >
> 10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy'>$<span =
> class=3DSpellE>hKey</span>-&gt;<span
> class=3DSpellE>GetValues</span> =
> (\%values);<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3DArial><span =
> >
> 10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy'>$<span =
> class=3DSpellE>hKey</span>-&gt;Close
> ();<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3DArial><span =
> >
> 10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy'>$<span =
> class=3DSpellE>hNode</span>-&gt;Close
> ();<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3DArial><span =
> >
> 10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></span></font></p>=
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><span class=3DSpellE><span class=3DGramE><font =
> size=3D2
> color=3Dnavy face=3DArial><span =
> >
> color:navy'>foreach</span></font></span></span><font size=3D2 =
> color=3Dnavy
> face=3DArial><span =
> $value
> (keys(%values)) {<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3DArial><span =
> >
> 10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy'><span =
> </span>$<span
> class=3DSpellE>RegType</span> =3D $<span =
> class=3DGramE>values{</span>$value}-&gt;[1];<o:p></o:p></span></font></p=
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3DArial><span =
> >
> 10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy'><span =
> </span>$<span
> class=3DSpellE>RegValue</span> =3D $<span =
> class=3DGramE>values{</span>$value}-&gt;[2];<o:p></o:p></span></font></p=
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3DArial><span =
> >
> 10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy'><span =
> </span>$<span
> class=3DSpellE>RegKey</span> =3D $<span class=3DGramE>values{</span>$val=
> ue}-&gt;[0];<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3DArial><span =
> >
> 10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy'><span =
> </span><span
> class=3DGramE>if</span> ($<span class=3DSpellE>RegKey</span> <span =
> class=3DSpellE>eq</span>
> &quot;<span class=3DSpellE>DefaultUserName</span>&quot;) {$username =3D =
> $<span
> class=3DSpellE>RegValue</span>;<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3DArial><span =
> >
> 10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy'><span =
> </span><span
> class=3DGramE>print</span> &quot;$<span =
> class=3DSpellE>RegValue</span>\n&quot;;<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3DArial><span =
> >
> 10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy'><span =
> </span>}<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3DArial><span =
> >
> 10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy'>}<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3DArial><span =
> >
> 10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></span></font></p>=
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> >
> 10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></span></font></p>=
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><span class=3DGramE><font size=3D2 color=3Dnavy =
> face=3DArial><span
> >
> t></span><font
> size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3DArial><span =
> >
> color:navy'>;<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3DArial><span =
> >
> 10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></span></font></p>=
> <div>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal =
> >
> size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3D"Courier New"><span =
> >
> "Courier New";color:navy;mso-no-proof:yes'>Modify accordingly. =
> HTH.<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal =
> >
> size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3D"Courier New"><span =
> >
> "Courier =
> New";color:navy;mso-no-proof:yes'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal =
> >
> size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3D"Courier New"><span =
> >
> "Courier New";color:navy;mso-no-proof:yes'>Lewis =
> Bishop<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal =
> >
> size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3D"Courier New"><span =
> >
> "Courier =
> New";color:navy;mso-no-proof:yes'>---<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal =
> >
> size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3D"Courier New"><span =
> >
> "Courier New";color:navy;mso-no-proof:yes'>Barclays Enable - ISS -
> E-NTRUST/Bexleyheath NT<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal =
> >
> size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3D"Courier New"><span =
> >
> "Courier New";color:navy;mso-no-proof:yes'>Oracle Database =
> Consultant<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal =
> >
> size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3D"Courier New"><span =
> >
> "Courier New";color:navy;mso-no-proof:yes'>Watling Street, Bexleyheath, =
> </span></font><st1:place><st1:City><font
>   size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3D"Courier New"><span =
> >
>   font-family:"Courier =
> New";color:navy;mso-no-proof:yes'>Kent</span></font></st1:City><font
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>   size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3D"Courier New"><span =
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>   font-family:"Courier New";color:navy;mso-no-proof:yes'>DA6 =
> 7RR</span></font></st1:PostalCode></st1:place><font
> size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3D"Courier New"><span =
> >
> "Courier New";color:navy;mso-no-proof:yes'> (Mail Van =
> R)<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal =
> >
> size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3D"Courier New"><span =
> >
> "Courier New";color:navy;mso-no-proof:yes'>Phone : 020 8298 =
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> <p class=3DMsoNormal =
> >
> place><font
>   size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3D"Courier New"><span =
> >
>   font-family:"Courier =
> New";color:navy;mso-no-proof:yes'>Mobile</span></font></st1:place></st1:=
> City><font
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> "Courier New";color:navy;mso-no-proof:yes'>: 07950 =
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> <p class=3DMsoNormal =
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> "Courier New";color:navy;mso-no-proof:yes'>Email : =
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> <p class=3DMsoNormal =
> >
> size=3D2 color=3Dnavy face=3D"Courier New"><span =
> >
> "Courier New";color:navy;mso-no-proof:yes'>&quot;Enabling Competitive =
> Advantage
> for Barclays in IT and Business =
> Processing&quot;<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 color=3Dnavy face=3D"Times New =
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> nt><o:p></o:p></p>
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> <p class=3DMsoNormal size=3D2 =
> face=3DTahoma><span
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> ---Original
> Message-----<br>
> <b><span Denham Eva
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]<span class=3DGramE>] <br>
> <b><span >
> </span></font><st1:date =
> Month=3D"10"
> Day=3D"29" Year=3D"2002"><font size=3D2 face=3DTahoma><span =
> lang=3DEN-US
>  =
> >
>  October
>  2002</span></font></st1:date><font size=3D2 face=3DTahoma><span =
> lang=3DEN-US
> =
> </span></font><st1:time
> Hour=3D"8" Minute=3D"43"><font size=3D2 face=3DTahoma><span =
> lang=3DEN-US
>  =
> >
> :43</span></font></st1:time><font
> size=3D2 face=3DTahoma><span lang=3DEN-US =
> >
> mso-ansi-language:EN-US'><br>
> <b><span Multiple recipients =
> of list
> ORACLE-L<br>
> <b><span Win2k Perl =
> accessing
> Oracle Parameters?</span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal size=3D3
> face=3D"Times New Roman"><span =
> >
> <p class=3DMsoNormal =
> >
> 12.0pt;margin-left:36.0pt'><code><font size=3D3 face=3D"Courier =
> New"><span
> >
> 2.0pt'>This
> header confirms that this email message has been swept for ="
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> face=3D"Courier New"><span New"'><br>
> <code><font face=3D"Courier New"><span =
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> >
> 10.0pt;font-family:Arial'>Hello All,</span></font> <o:p></o:p></p>
> <p size=3D2 face=3DArial><span =
> >
> 10.0pt;font-family:Arial'>I am writing an perl script. I cann't figure =
> out and
> have been going through the docs, but cann't find exactly what I =
> need.</span></font><o:p></o:p></p>
> <p size=3D2 face=3DArial><span =
> >
> 10.0pt;font-family:Arial'>A way to access Oracle Parameters as they are =
> set up
> in the Win2k registary. I am specifically thinking of ORACLE_HOME. I do =
> know
> how to obtain an environmental variable/parameter with =
> $ENV{}.</span></font><o:p></o:p></p>
> <p size=3D2 face=3DArial><span =
> >
> 10.0pt;font-family:Arial'>But the ORACLE_HOME is not an environmental =
> parameter
> per se.</span></font> <br>
> <font size=3D2 face=3DArial><span =
> have
> a workaround by setting it up in the enviroment, however I would like =
> to write
> this script with the aim at it being machine =
> unspecific.</span></font><o:p></o:p></p>
> <p size=3D2 face=3DArial><span =
> >
> 10.0pt;font-family:Arial'>(Jared, hope you can answer me on this. Want =
> to get a
> copy of your book, unfortunately with the exchange rate and import =
> taxes etc it
> will cost me R590,00. Quiet a chunk of the ole budget, maybe early next =
> year.)</span></font><o:p></o:p></p>
> <p size=3D2 face=3DArial><span =
> >
> 10.0pt;font-family:Arial'>Regards</span></font> <br>
> <b><i><font face=3DArial><span =
> >
> font-style:italic'>Denham Eva</span></font></i></b> <br>
> <b><i><font size=3D2 face=3DArial><span =
> >
> font-weight:bold;font-style:italic'>Oracle DBA</span></font></i></b> =
> <br>
> <i><font size=3D2 color=3Dblack face=3DArial><span =
> >
> font-family:Arial;color:black;font-style:italic'>&quot;UNIX is =
> basically a
> simple operating system, but you have to be a genius to understand the
> simplicity.&quot;</span></font></i> <br>
> <i><font size=3D2 color=3Dblack face=3DArial><span =
> >
> font-family:Arial;color:black;font-style:italic'>Dennis =
> Ritchie.</span></font></i>
> <o:p></o:p></p>
> <div class=3DMsoNormal align=3Dcenter =
> >
> =
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> <hr size=3D2 width=3D"100%" align=3Dcenter>
> </span></font></b></strong></div>
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> color:#0000A0'>DISCLAIMER</span></font> </b></strong><o:p></o:p></p>
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Author: Jared Still

Fat City Network Services    -- 858-538-5051 http://www.fatcity.com
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