Title: OT: Getting data out of DB2...any DB2 DBAs out there?

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I am trying to get data out of a DB2 database that I do not have access to.  The original spec called for me to create a flat file, which they parse, and query the DB2 DB to get the specific requested data, and "spool" the requested data into a flat file, which is then FTPed back to me. 

I would prefer to send them (in Oracle/UNIX terms) a shell script calling SQL*Plus that uses some SQL to get the data I need, which is spooled to a flat file.  Since this is on MVS, I assume it will have to be some SQL wrapped in JCL.  I just do not know of an equivilent SQL*Plus in DB2, since I don't even know how to spell DB2. 

Since I will be proposing this approach, I was hoping to have an example JCL job in my proposal.  So I was wondering if anyone has some example jobs that they would be willing to share?????

Many thanks!!


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