Hello all, just finished reading the chapter on RMAN/Tivoli and a .pdf on installation.
It appears NO environment variables are read when using tivoli that all "enviroment stuff" has to be put in the tdpo.opt file.
so all of the scripts that we wrote that uses enviroment variables will have to be canned?
take for example this:
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/rman << EOF > ${LOGFILE_NAME} 2>&1
# this is for controlfile backups, connect to catalog and target databases
#  allocate one channel based on rmantab values, archive the current log,
#  resync catalog, so its up to date and backup the current controlfile.
   connect catalog $CUSER_PASS
   connect target $DUSER_PASS
     allocate channel d1 type disk format "${BACKUP_CHANNEL_1}/${ORACLE_SID}_arc_${BACKUP_TYPE}_on_${DATETIME}_%p_%s.rman";
     setlimit channel d1 kbytes 2097150 maxopenfiles 32 readrate 200;      
     resync catalog;
     backup  current controlfile;
     release channel d1;
exit $?
If anyone is using tivoli in conjunction w/rman and has good/bad stuff to say about it, kindly let me know.
thanks, joe


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