Title: Pro*C for Oracle 817 on Win2000?
We only apply patches as needed and where needed.
For example: I had a problem with export taking a long time on one system.
I installed a patch for this problem (after testing in test environment of course) only on that database.
My motto is: If it ain't broken do not fix it.
I have seen too many follow up fixes to install something I do not need.
Yechiel Adar
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 9:05 PM
Subject: patches

I am wondering how your sites handle patching production servers.
I just did a search in MetaLink, since 8174 was released there have been 48 patches (if I just select RDBMS).
If I select other items in my search, I get upwards of 70 additional bug fixes.
How do high reliability sites handle patching?  I assume they would rather fix potential problems (testing the patches on a testbed of course) rather than just apply bug fixes as problems are encountered on production servers.
Patrice Boivin
Systems Analyst (Oracle Certified DBA)

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