Title: warehouse builder's dependance on oem job system.

You may have implied this in your message, but are you using Oracle Workflow in conjunction with OEM?  That is the scheduling method that is taught in the OWB class by Oracle.


I am currently learning OWB but have not setup scheduling yet, so I’d be interested to hear your solution once you find it.




Best regards,


David B. Wagoner

Database Administrator

Arsenal Digital Solutions Worldwide, Inc.

8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 100

Cary, NC 27511-8582

Office (919) 466-6723

Mobile (919) 412-8462


Fax (919) 466-6783

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-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Stephens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 12:31 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: warehouse builder's dependance on oem job system.



ok, here's the situation:  we are loading our warehouse via etl processes generated by warehouse builder (owb).  we went live with this a little over a week ago.  up to this point we have been running the jobs manually through owb.  for obvious reasons we need to be able to schedule these jobs.  the only way (that i know of) to schedule the owb jobs is to deploy them to entreprise manager.  the problem is that our oem is VERY unreliable and seems to be related to bugs.  we are running oem v9.2 and oracle ee v9.2.  when jobs are scheduled through oem, they run sometimes and hang others.  this is unexceptable. 

so my question is:  does anyone know of a way to trap the commands that oem sends to the database?  the obvious solution would be to just cron execution of the packages owb generates inside the database.  this doesn't work though because owb generates funky code that takes parameters, whose values i don't know, for logging purposes. 

hopefully i explained the situation well enough.

any ideas??....i'd like to get rid of the dependance on oem.

oem sucks

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