Title: arc destination odd behavior
Hi Lisa
We do things a little different her and have no problems.
Before backup we run a script that set the archive bit on
for all the existing archive logs:
attrib *.* +a (they are written with the archive bit off).
after BackupExec finished the backup we do:
del *.* /aa (meaning delete all the files with archive bit on only).
There are parameters in BackupExec jobs for scripts to run before and after the job.
Yechiel Adar
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 11:15 PM
Subject: arc destination odd behavior

Hi all -, Windows 2000 sp 2

I'm working on my backupexec implementation.  For some odd reason the backup job that copies the arclogs to tape and deletes them off the disk (what BE calls an 'archive' job) wants to delete the directory too.  Sometimes the directory is deleted, and sometimes it isn't. 

So I whip together a perl script to fire after the backup to check for the arc directory and recreate it if it isn't there.

Well, I expected Oracle to crash if it couldn't find the arc directory.  Instead it wrote to the directory where the arc directory used to reside with a different name. 

Maybe it's platform specific, but doesn't this seem odd?  I would rather have my db crash if the directory doesn't exist.  My backups would be all hosed because the arclogs wouldn't end up being written to tape properly.  In fact I'm betting that BE will err out when looking for that directory. 

Here's what I see in v$archived_log.  693 and 694 are when the directory still existed.  695+ are after the directory got deleted.  Anyone seen this before?

       693  480186148 D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\RMANTST\ARC\RMANTST_00428.ARC  
       694  480186151 D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\RMANTST\ARC\RMANTST_00429.ARC  
       695  480268708 D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\RMANTST\ARCRMANTST_00430.ARC   
       696  480268709 D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\RMANTST\ARCRMANTST_00431.ARC   
       697  480268711 D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\RMANTST\ARCRMANTST_00432.ARC   
       698  480268715 D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\RMANTST\ARCRMANTST_00433.ARC   
       699  480268718 D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\RMANTST\ARCRMANTST_00434.ARC   

SQL> select value from v$parameter
  2  where name = 'log_archive_dest';



Lisa Koivu
Oracle Database Administrator
Fairfield Resorts, Inc.
5259 Coconut Creek Parkway
Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA  33063

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