Title: RE: Active sessions chewing up a huge amount of RAM

> From: Jesse, Rich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> How big is the SGA?

Dunno specifics, but it's on the order of a gig.

>  On Unix at least, each DB process
> appears to be taking
> a huge chunk'o'virtual memory (as seen from Glance on HP/UX),
> but in reality
> most of that is just the shared mem of the SGA.


I misspoke, this is on Solaris (too many customers on too many different platforms); the appserver is on NT, but that isn't relavent. This may be the (non)issue; it at least is a fun story to try and float over to the customer...

They've not reported actual "problems", and this customer has been whining pretty hard about us opening a buncha connections and caching them (Weblogic does this pretty well in my experience; however old client-server trained DBA's freak out).

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