Keep it simple.  If you are on unix put this in your crontab.

30 * * * * find  /archive/oradata/YOURSID -type f -name "1_*.arc"
-mtime +0 -exec rm -f {} \;

This will run every hour on the half hour and purge everything over 24
hours old.

Modify as you like.  (-mtime +1 gives you 48 hours)  Yes, I know this
could delete files that haven't been applied but I figure if your
standby is 24 hours behind, it will need to be re-established anyway.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/12/02 08:04AM >>>
Any one have a ready-made routine to purge the unneeded archives which
been automagically applied to a managed standby database?

I figure it needs to: 

1. Query v$archived_log and v$log_history to get a list of the archive
(v$ where sequence# > [the max number you purged the

2. Cycle through the above list and remove the files;

3. Record the max(sequence#) from v$log_history for the next purge.

Any other ideas/suggestions?

Steve Orr
Standing by in Bozeman, Montana
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