The following was an actual bug in Oracle's "bug" database; 
doesn't seem searchable anymore and has likely been archived
recently, for some reason.

Please note that the bug has been open for over 8 years and
that all lines preceded with "@" are intended to be censored
for viewing by Oracle Development personnel only, so please
consider this info to be confidential...  :-)

**************************( Source: BUGREP
<Bug:250845>   BugDB see <Bug:250845.-P>                 No
Base Bug
Related Bugs : <BugMatrix:250845>
Customer: GREAT MODELING AGENCY                           
Created: 17-NOV-94
Component: RDBMS        Comp Ver:     Rel St: P  
Updated: 04-MAR-02
Sub Comp: RDBMS        RDBMS Ver:                  
Status: 92,Closed, Not a Bug
Sup Pri: 4,Minor Error, No Loss of Service            Fixed
In Ver: 
O/S: 1 Digital VAX OpenVMS
PL Group: DEC  Gen/Port: G  Error #: ORA-600  Pub: N



*** VKHACHAD 11/17/94 08:46 am ***
@ part number is: ora-3
@ tried fixing it myself, but I poked my finger with the
needle.  I need someone
@ experienced to help me with this.
@ Size of sweater: Medium
@ Color: Red
@ I will be happy with any workaround as long as it has the
Oracle name on it.
@ The sweater is in bug$
@ I'm cold without it, so please hurry.
*** VKHACHAD 11/17/94 09:09 am *** (CHG: Sta->92)
@ Closed.
*** VKHACHAD 11/17/94 09:30 am *** (CHG: Pri->4)
*** MRAMACHE 11/17/94 09:42 am ***
@ c generic (white) patch has been provided, please open
another bug to have it
@ ported to red.
*** MRAMACHE 11/17/94 10:09 am ***
@Note that without the proper use of mothballs, we can't
guarantee this
@won't happen again.
*** CELSBERN 11/17/94 02:13 pm *** (CHG: Sta->11)
@ Reopening bug.  The generic white patch will not work with
my RS/6000.  Please
@ port to IBM blue.
*** MRAMACHE 11/17/94 02:45 pm *** (CHG: Sta->92)
*** WDSOUZA 11/17/94 03:35 pm ***
@ can not reproduce the GREATEST OracleWear with the LATEST
OracleWear. So
@ Update the wear
*** SSHAMBAR 11/21/94 07:43 pm *** (CHG: Sta->11)
@ Client received patch, client does not know how to stitch
a crosshatch
@ (as indicated in README).  Could development please
provide iron-on.
*** EKAARTO 11/21/94 10:23 pm ***
@ Question --
@   Is Oracle-WARE, HardWARE, firmWARE, softWARE, or
underWARE ??
@ depending on where the hole is in the product, the patch
will either be stiched
@ or ironed on patch.
*** PGREENWA 11/22/94 10:32 am *** (CHG: Sta->32)
*** PGREENWA 11/22/94 10:32 am ***
@ Sorry, iron-on is currently not a supported feature. 
Please file an
@ enhancement request.
*** VKHACHAD 11/28/94 09:58 am *** (CHG: Sta->92)
*** SPILLAI 12/01/94 10:45 am ***
@Since no one can "close" this bug
@ This is not a bug but a feature. It was used in the wrong
"environment". It is
@ to be used in summer when it would let the air in and keep
your body cool.
*** BUG 05/01/95 10:56 am *** (CHG: Prod->510)
*** BUG 05/01/95 01:51 pm *** (CHG: Prod->5)
*** DSHELLIT 12/23/97 02:07 pm ***
@ This can not be backported.  Only applicable to current
*** DHAYTER 06/11/99 07:40 am ***
@ Surely this bug was filed under the wrong port.
@ JACKET was only ever available on Alpha - along with TIE
and VEST
@ (check it out!)
*** GHAYDEN 06/11/99 08:03 am ***
@ To add a cautionary note... if ironed on patch does become
@ remember to REMORACLEWARE prior to applying patch.
*** HBERGH 07/02/99 03:12 pm *** (CHG: Sta->30)
*** HBERGH 07/02/99 03:12 pm *** (CHG: Confirmed Flag->N)
*** HBERGH 07/02/99 03:12 pm ***
@Are there any traces of a file on the jacket? If there are,
then this is most 
@likely caused by incorrect installation of the jacket. Do
not open the package 
@using a nail file. User error.
@If no file traces are found, then this should be changed to
a documentation 
*** AMOHAMED 08/16/99 09:19 am ***
@ Is it possible for customer to obtain a plug-in to solve
the current problem? 
@ The theory being that a plug-in would make the jacket
compatible with use 
@ during winter time and removing the plug-in would make the
jacket compatible 
@ during summer time.
@ A possible plug-in would be dependent on the size of the
problem whereby a 
@ range of options starting from 1st finger upto whole fist
could be used.
@ Hope this helps towards fixing the bug.
*** ETLEWIS 08/25/99 03:20 pm ***
@After many hours of research and testing, I think this bug
can be closed.  The 
@documentation does not state there should be a "hole" in
the back. The 
@documentation does not address holes at all.  Turns out
what the client was 
@referring to was the "Hole" where the head goes....  Seems
client (who was an 
@Oracle Consultant) tried to patch that hole because he was
getting wet when it 
@Some people don't know enough to come in out of the rain...
*** ETLEWIS 08/25/99 03:20 pm *** (CHG: Sta->11)
*** ALAKSHMI 08/25/99 04:28 pm *** (CHG: Sta->92)
*** RBUSK 12/17/99 06:37 am ***
@would like to add request for oracle fleece-pants with
which to cover our 
@backsides over Y2K.
*** LCOHN 12/17/99 07:27 am ***
@ I'm concerned as to the Y2K readiness of this issue and to
@ technical library I need to link this to in MetaLink.
Surely, the customer
@ needs to know if a hole, or patch or backport is going to
work on
@ January 1 2000.  This could turn into a show stopper if
the customer
@ puts this on, and the world has indeed come to an end. My
@ concern is if they are warm enough or is fashion sense
version 01.01.2000
@ being adhered to.
*** MMOTZ 12/17/99 07:40 am ***
@This is becoming a showstopper due to precipitate issues at
@customer site.  Reviewing suitability of ct's business
case, escalation
@pending.  Will engage BDE as necessary to address issue.
*** MCASALGR 12/17/99 08:19 am ***
@ BDE.  Cannot escalate.  There is no business case
@ Also reasonable workarounds exist: a. wear another
sweather;  b. stay home; 
@ c. wear a jacket on top of the sweather; d. use
hum-bra-lla v1.04 with
@ patchset TZWY(rev.3) applied; e. move to Sahara desert
*** MJRODRIG 12/17/99 08:47 am ***
@Customer has changed his support to Gold!  A GOSAM will be
provided to 
@instruct the customer on how to use the product correctly.
In the meantime, I 
@suggest we move to have to have the product upgraded.  It
has been open for 5 
@years, surely we can just upgrade the jacket instead of
simply patching it.
*** DSHELLIT 12/17/99 10:57 am ***
@Was just notified that there is no stock for the upgraded
jacket.  Customer 
@can not upgrade.  The last release of the jacket is the
current one the 
@customer has.  Patching it through for the Y2K issues is
the only way to keep 
@the customer up and running through the next Millenium. 
Suggest that if the 
@customer wants to upgrade that they move to a suit.
*** ASUARDI 01/03/00 08:42 am *** (CHG: Sta->44)
*** ASUARDI 01/03/00 08:42 am ***
@ I actually peeked at the sweater in bug$ and the hole
(after 5 years) looks
@  broken beyond any hope of patching it. Setting to status
44, which seems
@  the most appropriate here.
*** ASULEMAN 01/05/00 06:55 am *** (CHG: Sta->35)
*** ASULEMAN 01/05/00 06:55 am *** (CHG: Fixed->6.6.6)
*** ASULEMAN 01/05/00 06:55 am ***
@I also have a very irrate customer, in Finland, with a
similar problem
@but with another Oracle product: OraPants v6.6.6
@Customer has checked OraPants for dump files and for broken
@but has found nothing of any significance.
@A simple workaround was to emmigrate from Finland to a
warmer climate,
@and therefore was no need for OraPants.
@I don't know if this workaround would work for OracleWare.
@need to get customer to try out. 
@setting status to 35.
*** MVERHEIJ 01/07/00 05:14 am *** (CHG: Sta->11)
*** MVERHEIJ 01/07/00 05:14 am ***
@Help! One of our Dutch customers used Raw Iron V1.0 with
his OraPants product 
@and now experiences lots of holes! OraPants seems to be
beyond repair.
@Can someone indicate how to solve this situation?
*** PKRABBEN 01/07/00 10:07 am *** (CHG: Sta->92)
*** PKRABBEN 01/07/00 10:07 am ***
@ FYI: the product name Raw Iron was chosen for the analogy
with raw devices
@ on Unix, required when running Oracle in parallel server
@ Now, when using Raw Iron it is mandatory that you iron the
object, in this
@ case OraPants, from two sides at the same time.
@ This is documented in the Raw Iron Instruction Manual.
*** BSCHWARZ 01/12/00 06:39 am ***
@A customer of mine has heard of a new Raw Iron version
called Steam Iron. When 
@will this version be available? It's supposed to reduce the
OraPants leak hole 
@problem dramatically. Is this true?
*** USHET 01/28/00 04:40 am ***
@Ct. wants to escalate the issue.  Ct doesn't want to bring
down OraPants to 
@apply the sol.  
*** JXDAVIS 01/28/00 06:54 am ***
@ The number of holes should be reduced if Damp Cloth v2.0
is applied before Raw 
@ Iron v1.0.
*** SOKHAI 01/28/00 09:40 am ***
@Raw Iron v1.0 is not Y2K compliant. Cust must use Raw Iron
v2.2 or higher. 
@This is a workaround because the problem does seem to
re-appear in later 
@versions the more it is used.
@This is a priorty 1 for my customer, as he has not applied
any underwear 
@patches and is waiting for this problem to be fixed so that
he can upgrade to 
@the latest version. He is having a hairy day down under. 
@Please help customer is getting impatiant and may go to
other company products.
*** PKRABBEN 01/28/00 01:57 pm ***
@ Yeah right, as if they would be more comfortable with
*** AMACIAS 02/29/00 04:49 am ***
@ Problem :A customer in Tampa is in need to use his
OraPants to go out for 
@ supplies and saw this bug in Metalink. 
@ He looked for holes but can't find any.
@ Weather forecast for today says is going to rain.
@ Because Today is Leap Day y2 the customer asks that if he
gets water on his 
@ OraPants would that be this same bug or a new Y2k Bug.
@ Please respond quicly because his cat is in need of food
and could die of 
@ starvation.
*** AMACIAS 02/29/00 04:49 am *** (CHG: Sta->16)
*** MMATAGRA 02/29/00 02:28 pm *** (CHG: Sta->11)
*** SJHALA 02/29/00 04:02 pm *** (CHG: Sta->44 Asg->SJHALA)
*** SJHALA 02/29/00 04:02 pm ***
@ for new OracleWear, please log a new bug .. using the bug
filing template.
*** MHALLIDA 03/01/00 05:07 pm *** (CHG: Sta->11)
*** MHALLIDA 03/01/00 05:07 pm ***
@ It seems we have an NLS Translation Bug. I have a customer
in the UK who 
@ purchased OraPants and is currently experiencing a similar
bug. On receiving 
@ his latest OraPants he was alarmed to find they had 32"
@ After further investigation I found out that he was under
the impression that 
@ OraPants were infact the much acclaimed OraUNDERWEAR! (or
@ Requesting NLS Translation to update product description
to avoid similar 
@ mistakes. 
*** RFDAVIS 03/04/00 10:17 pm ***
@With OraPants ver 10 there is a utility called zipper 4.5.
If the hole is in 
@the front only...the standard Oracle functionality is to
winzip it up....if 
@customer would like to restore from a zipup he can PKUNZIP
it. If ct is not 
@ sure what the flag has been set to, have them do the
@Select zipper
@from zipper_OraPants
@where zipper = up
@ .
@ .
@There is a Minipack 10.1.newzipper.G but I believe it needs
to be ported for 
@OraWear. If the Hole is in the back have the ct do the
@ .
@select New_Pants
@from K_Mart
@where Blue_Light_Special = yes
@ .
*** MWALLENK 05/05/00 03:35 am ***
@ I had a customer with a similar problem, he discovered the
hole in the back of 
@ his OraPants.
@ After careful investigation from support we discovered
that customer had 
@ installed the product incorrectly, maybe the installation
procedure isn't 
@ documented customer-proof. Uninstalling OraPants, turning
for 180 degrees and 
@ reinstalling solved the problem and made a customer happy.
*** SJHALA 05/08/00 07:34 pm *** (CHG: Sta->92)
*** CCOBBOLD 06/28/00 08:33 am ***
@ I also had an extremely unhappy customer in the UK who
purchased OraPants.
@ He had to call in a P1 as his OraPants had NO HOLE in them
@ Unfortunately we couldn't offer him a quick workaround
before the pants
@ were saturated ! 
@ I'm told he has now installed a new product called SAP
Siphon to remove
@ the fluids and he will not be purchasing OraPants again !!
*** GTHORLAK 06/29/00 08:33 am ***
@ Per Mr Ellison, "the internet changes
everything".....please have the client 
@ contact client relations to get a copy of Pants v501i
(This is totally y2k 
@ compliant. To confirm this check the zipper for the YKK
logo) Sweater8i and 
@ Jacket11i. Prior to upgrade client will have to make sure
they install a fresh 
@ version of underwear6.0 to insure we have a clean instance
to run the 
@ Sweater,Jacket, and Pants. All of these can be run on the
same server but the 
@ sweater and jacket must be run on the same partition,
whereas the pants must 
@ be run in dedicted area with a direct path to underwear
@ .
@ With this upgrade the client will no longer have to leave
the house so a hood 
@ will not be needed, and the individual with the starving
cat can use SSP5 to 
@ order food/litter/cat toys from 
*** BLOWENST 06/30/00 12:13 pm ***
@ GSAM (for Great Modeling Agency)
@ =====================================
@ .
@ As the GSAM for this account, I'm surprised that this BUG
is still being 
@ worked on after 6 years.  The client (Great Modeling
Agency) went out of 
@ business 5 years ago, because the models got so thin that
they slipped through 
@ the holes in their OracleWare and were promptly arrested
for indecent 
@ exposure. (As you may know, models do not install
OracleUnderWare since it 
@ does not run on a thin client.)
@ .
*** JENNOR2 07/11/00 03:14 pm ***
@ The modeling agency that's bust was in the OraWear with
many others. 
@ Some of the other customers are unhappy that no upgrades
to OraWear are 
@ forthcoming, saying that the Internet should have changed
everything by now. 
@ Could we develop an InterNet patch (like Velcro?) to solve
the hole problem?
*** RXKRISHN 02/23/01 08:51 am ***
@The reason for the hole is finally apparent ... Turns out
that plans for the
@NC was laid out a while back, and now that the market is
mature, we can use
@this hole to build in a network interconnect.  Hence the
opening.  It is
@actually planned functionality as an API.  This is not a
bug, and there is no
@need to reproduce it. This is indeed intended
functionality, just not in this
@the version of the product.
@The opening was intended was several purposes, but right
now it is being
@debated if it should be used as an iConnect portal or if it
should be
@used as a worm hole for interfacing to other heterogeneous
@Currently this is being reviewed for inclusion in the
Messaging framework
@by the Transparent Gateway Group, the Oracle Message Broker
Group and
@the Java Messaging Group.  The problem with the original NC
connect proposal
@was that the market was never really ready for the
technology, which is
@obvious from the fact that someone actually logged this bug
*** DPAL 07/11/01 08:59 pm ***
@ Sanjeev :
@ .
@ BDE - we need to escalate this Bug as the hole is getting
bigger and the s___
@ is falling out spreading the stink.
@ .
@ Why is this closed as not a bug ?
*** SUSIVASU 07/13/01 07:26 am *** (CHG: Asg->MREID)
*** SUSIVASU 07/13/01 07:26 am ***
@ Performance of buffering of the OraPants has severly
de-graded and data is 
@ leaking rapidly, leaving the customers breathless.
@ Performance should be addressed immediatley to avoid
further messes. 
@ .
@ Can cache be used for effecient discharge of unwanted
*** KKOH 07/13/01 07:36 am ***
@Customer EX LAX is reporting a similar hot ISSUE.
@Requesting we reopen the bug.
@I thought this bug had been resolved !!!!
@Why have you closed the bug if the initial customer 
@is reporting that they are not RUNNING smoothly?
*** BOVARGHE 02/14/02 11:08 am ***
@ Had a customer reporting a very similar problem.
@ The only difference in his case is that the hole is in
front of the jacket and 
@ not the back. 
@ Explained to him that this was our 'Valentine's special'
collection, which had 
@ holes positioned in front of the heart, especially for
cusotmers who have lost 
@ their hearts. The hole was deliberately provided to ease
the process of 
@ putting your heart back in place, once you have found it.
@ The customer said that he would first need to lose his
heart to find it.
@ However he seemed convinced with the explaination and is
fine with the hole in 
@ the front.
*** AOLGREN 03/04/02 12:54 pm ***
@ Support has tested and replicated the issue for OraWear
products. It is 
@ supports determination that upgrading Orawear resolves
most of existing bugs. 
@ If clients have not experienced the stated bugs listed
here, they can update 
@ storage devices to cedar version to prolong life.
@ .
@ When upgrading, as mentioned before, all modules will need
to be updated at 
@ the same time to the latest versions. A new bug should be
logged for any 
@ issues that arise from the upgrade.
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