That was my understanding, too. Oh, and use bigger hammers, more nails and Australian beer.

Hately, Mike (NESL-IT) wrote:
Yes, the lessons I took from that presentation were to use a shorter piece
of string and buy larger bottles of gin though I'm willing to admit that I
may have got the wrong end of the stick.



-----Original Message-----
Sent: 02 January 2003 09:24
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

First of all I'd like to have the full picture of your performance: Log 
file sync might be 57% of the wait time, but how much of the response 
time is wait time?

Second, Log File Sync means Commit; So if your system is waiting a lot 
for commits there are two things you can do: Fewer commits (changes to 
applications) or faster commits (hardware striping, etc.).

No changes to the log buffer will help here (except perhaps making it 
smaller, as Connor McDonald so brilliantly showed during the funniest 
presentation I've ever seen in my life at UKOUG in Birmingham). If the 
log buffer is being flushed constantly, it's better to make it small so 
that it doesn't have to go through the whole thing every time.



What ALL may be Done to Address the Following ?
Any /etc/system , init.ora parameter Changes too ?
Moving the Online Redo Logfiles onto RAID 1 NOT possible as that may
warrant Additional Hardware . Moreover T3+ does NOT Support RAID 1 (Only
RAID 1+ )
Concurrent Oracle processes = 1500 Approx.
Statspack Taken during Mostly OLTP Operations :-

Top 5 Wait Events
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                             Wait     %
Event                                               Waits  Time (cs)   Wt
-------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------
log file sync                                     970,563    2,597,831
log file parallel write                           831,141      484,948
log_buffer = 2MB
Online Redo Logfiles Exist on RAID 1+ 
Storage Box is T3+
File System = UFS

Application = Banking (Hybrid )
Solaris 8
Machine Box = SF6800




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