Title: Message

I found this in the Oracle Concepts manual.
Since your table is partitioned I thought it might be worth a look.

Queries and Partition Maintenance Operations

Queries whose execution starts before invocation of a partition maintenance operation, or before dictionary updates are done during a partition maintenance operation, correctly access via Consistent Read the data of the affected partitions as existing at query snapshot time. Such queries either successfully complete returning all relevant data as present at snapshot time, or fail to complete returning error ORA-8103 or ORA-1410. The application should reissue the query if one of these errors is returned.

Queries that use a partitioned index, and that start with some of the index partitions marked as INDEX UNUSABLE, return an error when they actually access one of these partitions for the first time. This happens even if the partition has been made USABLE after query start.  


Good luck




 -----Original Message-----
From: Koivu, Lisa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 12:49 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: RE: ORA-1410 Silliness

You asked for it.  Here goes.  It is partitioned on julian_run_date.  Please don't hammer me about the design.  I wasn't given a chance to improve on it.  It is basically a mainframe file that I have stored history of.

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