Title: RE: Oracle DBA Profession hard?

Hard? Ha! Before getting into computers, I was an aircraft mechanic for 24 years. Nothing like changing 250 pound wheel and tire assemblies (12 was my record) on midnight shift outside in the cold and rain for LESS money than I got in my first job in IT.

Stressful? A database crashes and nothing really happens. The aircraft you worked on crashes and a hundred people might die. And you can't restore from backup.....

My wife is a nurse. No way at even twice her salary would I do that job. My daughter is a high school teacher and ditto for that. In fact, I have a B.S. in Education and thankfully I chose a different path.

Jerry Whittle


NCI Information Systems Inc.



    -----Original Message-----

    To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    Date: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 3:13 PM

    >I'm curious.  Does everyone here think the IT profession is hard?  Does

    >everyone think that being a DBA is harder than say, a teacher, or a sales

    >clerk, or something else?


    >I don't understand the attitude.  Or maybe I'm just lucky.  The IT field is

    >wide-open for everyobe to find a niche where they are comfortable.


    >And it is certainly a better field than nursing (hours, pay and exposure to

    >multyitude of diseases suck!), teaching (while working with most kids would

    >be fun, the pay is tough and the hard-luck kids are tougher), retail (wanna

    >work in Home-Depot?).

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