Title: slowish query causing problems...
Is there an index on the fwepcode1 table with the three columns used in the where clause?  Are the three columns varchar or varchar2?  Make sure the EXP column is not a number!
Secondly, I think I would change the query as follows:
           FROM fwepcode1
          WHERE (wotype = 'TST' AND func = 'C0NEPRF' AND EXP = '22222')
             OR not exists(select 1 FROM valuelist
                                 WHERE listname = 'STATUS'
                                   AND MAXVALUE = 'AAAAA'
                                   AND VALUE='INPRG' )


Tom Mercadante
Oracle Certified Professional

-----Original Message-----
From: Denham Eva [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 6:29 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: slowish query causing problems...

Hello List,

Pls help me on this problem. Our application does a validation when it uses a certain screen, as it so happens this screen is used very intensively. The performance is very slow, I have isolated the main culprit. I have tried the following.

I have dropped all the indexes and tried recreating them individually. Each time I have run an explain plan on the query, the optimizer (both rule and Choose) have chosen to do a FULL table scan on the fwepcode table. Even when using a hint to explicitly use the index it still uses FULL.

This is very frustrating indeed.

           FROM fwepcode1
          WHERE (wotype = 'TST' AND func = 'C0NEPRF' AND EXP = '22222')
                                  FROM valuelist
                                 WHERE listname = 'STATUS'
                                   AND MAXVALUE = 'AAAAA')

Is the reason that the optimizer does not use any of the indexes because of the SELECT DISTINCT (1)?
I have tried adjusting this query slightly to remove this and it still insists on doing a full table scan.
Funny enough the sub query on valuelist table does use a index.
The table contains 8920 rows. The cost according to the explain plan is 703 and bytes 9834.

The system is a Oracle 817 on Win2k.

Pls advise, any options or help will be appreciated.
Many Thanks
Denham Eva
Oracle DBA
"UNIX is basically a simple operating system, but you have to be a genius to understand the simplicity."
Dennis Ritchie.


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