I have been trying to run a "benchmark" of a server [9iRel2 on HPUX] The database is with Extent Management Local and an Undo Tablespace.
This is my table : create table txn_table (setrange number(2) not null, col1 varchar2(6), col2 varchar2(255), col3 number, col4 varchar2(45), update_date date ); create index txn_table_setnumber_n1 on txn_table(setrange); create index txn_table_update_dt_n1 on txn_table(update_date); {SETRANGE will have values 0 to 5 and I am deliberately indexing this column to see if the database uses the index or does a FTS) The INSERT of 1 million records took 02:21.86 [2min] : DECLARE BEGIN FOR i IN 1..100000 LOOP IF MOD(i,5) = 0 THEN -- multiple of 5 INSERT INTO txn_table VALUES (mod(i,5), to_char(i), 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog',i*2.4,'multiple of 5 ',sysdate); ELSE INSERT INTO txn_table VALUES (mod(i,5),to_char(i)||' ','zxcv.,mnbasdfgf;lkjhjqwertpoiuyu',i*3-4,'not a multiple',sysdate); END IF; END LOOP; COMMIT; END; / However, my Update initially ran out of Undo Tablespace which had grown to 2GB. I found that UNDO_RETENTION was 10800, reduced it to 30 and even bounced the Instance before re-running the Update. [I had also added 2 more files to the Undo Tablespace]. During the first round of testing, another user was testing a WebMethods application. However, during the second round I was supposed to be the only person on the instance [with OEM connecting as DBSNMP, other than my SQLPlus session]. Yet, the update failed and all three Undo Tablespace files had grown to 2GB each. Why should the update take 5hours ? Why should it take some much undo ? Is the logic of the update plsql block wrong ? [I haven't put a c1%notfound ; I am using rowid from the fetch to go back to the table and update it] 17:13:00 SQL> set serveroutput on size 50000; 17:13:00 SQL> 17:13:00 SQL> DECLARE 17:13:00 2 17:13:00 3 CURSOR C1 is 17:13:00 4 SELECT SETRANGE,COL1,COL2, rowid 17:13:00 5 from TXN_TABLE; 17:13:00 6 17:13:00 7 17:13:00 8 P_SN number; 17:13:00 9 P_C1 varchar2(6); 17:13:00 10 P_C2 varchar2(255); 17:13:00 11 P_D varchar2(15); 17:13:00 12 P_Row rowid; 17:13:00 13 17:13:00 14 cntr number; 17:13:00 15 17:13:00 16 BEGIN 17:13:00 17 cntr := 0; 17:13:00 18 OPEN C1; 17:13:00 19 loop 17:13:00 20 FETCH C1 into P_SN, P_C1, P_C2, P_Row ; 17:13:00 21 update txn_table set col4 = 'updated'||to_char(mod(p_sn,5)), 17:13:00 22 update_date = sysdate 17:13:00 23 where rowid = P_Row ; 17:13:00 24 17:13:00 25 if cntr = 1000000 then 17:13:00 26 dbms_output.put_line('exiting ...'); 17:13:00 27 exit; 17:13:00 28 end if; 17:13:00 29 end loop; 17:13:00 30 17:13:00 31 COMMIT; 17:13:00 32 END; 17:13:00 33 / DECLARE * ERROR at line 1: ORA-30036: unable to extend segment by 8192 in undo tablespace 'UNDOTBS1' ORA-06512: at line 21 Elapsed: 05:31:09.32 22:44:09 SQL> 22:44:09 SQL> spool off 1* select usn, extents, rssize, xacts, writes, gets, optsize, hwmsize SQL> / USN EXTENTS RSSIZE XACTS WRITES GETS OPTSIZE ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- HWMSIZE ---------- 0 7 450560 0 8460 2052885 450560 1 2 122880 0 230880 2056248 7462912 2 2 122880 0 1844253864 2815995 4234141696 3 3 8511488 0 292502 2061328 8511488 4 3 1171456 0 270352 2057293 1171456 5 3 1171456 0 235868 2056307 2220032 6 3 1171456 0 239234 2056328 2220032 USN EXTENTS RSSIZE XACTS WRITES GETS OPTSIZE ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- HWMSIZE ---------- 7 3 1171456 0 350606 2058513 2220032 8 3 1171456 0 285134 2056422 1171456 9 2 122880 0 237370 14800561 2416041984 10 2 122880 0 237826 2056313 67231744 11 rows selected. SQL> exit SQL> show parameter undo NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ undo_management string AUTO undo_retention integer 30 undo_suppress_errors boolean FALSE undo_tablespace string UNDOTBS1 Hemant K Chitale http://hkchital.tripod.com -- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: http://www.orafaq.net -- Author: Hemant K Chitale INET: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fat City Network Services -- 858-538-5051 http://www.fatcity.com San Diego, California -- Mailing list and web hosting services --------------------------------------------------------------------- To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L (or the name of mailing list you want to be removed from). You may also send the HELP command for other information (like subscribing).