First, always use the SORT= option to generate TKPROF output -- the utility is useless if you don't sort the output.  For sorting, I have two suggestions:
    * sort by "logical reads" (i.e. SORT=EXEQRY,FCHQRY,EXECU,FCHCU)
    * sort by "elapsed time" (i.e. SORT=PRSELA,FCHELA,EXEELA)
If elapsed time data is available (i.e. TIMED_STATISTICS=TRUE in database), then I prefer to use that.  If not, then I use logical reads...
Second, if you are sorting the TKPROF output, then use the PRINT= option to limit the amount of output.  The idea here is that you only care about the "worst" couple of SQL statements.  Using PRINT=10 means that your TKPROF output will be limited to only 10 statements...
So, comparing two files that have been sorted and have only 10 statements is pretty easy to do just by looking at it...
As far as any problems loading into "tkprof_table", I can only guess that the user which you are running EXPLAIN PLANs into (using the EXPLAIN= option) does not have permission or space-quota to create a small temporary table in which to place EXPLAIN PLAN output.  Check the permissions of the user you are specifying;  log into SQL*Plus using the same user and try to create a small dummy table...
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 4:34 AM
Subject: question on tkprof

Hi gurus
Anyone knows about the comparision of tkprof output of the trace files generated by same application in diffrent times
and anyone have solution to Problem with pl/sql in insert script loading into tkprof_table.
Thanks in advance

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