Title: Details about Tar logged
SITUATION - With DB Server CPU Idle being  0 %  & load average 60-70 % :-
tnsping Connect to one of the  Databases (1) takes about 10,000 ms
truss -fdD tnsping <connect string>
    29504: 20.0006 18.8113 read(3, "\0 K\0\004\0\0\0 "\0\0 ?".., 2064) = 75
Thus 18....  seconds taken as shown above
Whereas to another Database (2) tnsping takes only 10 ms on the Same machine
0) 1 GBPS network path exits from APP Servers to the Database Server.
1) Database 1 Has about 3500 Oracle processes connecting to it
Database 2 Has about 1500 Oracle processes connecting to it
2) Both Databases have Different ORACLE_HOMEs
3) sqlnet.ora of Database 1 :-
NO sqlnet.ora exists on Database 2
4) NO process.dat , regid.dat exists in ORACLE_HOME/network/log Dir of ORACLE_HOME for Both Database
5) Multiple listener processes are Running for BOTH Databases
Qs How may the issue be approached ?

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