Title: Follow-up on Legato Registration Offer



   This is a letter from the IOUG to all the Alliance Partners.  The Legato offer is subject to several stipulations.  Please read and pass on.


Thank You


Stephen P. Karniotis

Product Architect

Compuware Corporation

Direct:   (248) 865-4350

Mobile:  (248) 408-2918


Web:    www.compuware.com


-----Original Message-----
From: Freeman, Kate [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 4:47 PM
To: Alliance Mailing List
Subject: Follow-up on Legato Registration Offer


Dear GAP Leaders,
Per our conversation this morning, below is the stipulation for the Legato Live! registration offer that some of you may have received.

Stipulation: The non-member-rate discount of $480 (giving a price point of $895) is specific to Legato customers who have not attended Live! in the past two years (2001 and 2002). 

This promotion was targeted to non-member customers of Legato that had not attended our event in the last two years. The effort was to drive attendance from a new group of individuals not normally likely to attend our event. The email Legato sent did not indicate the stipulation that both IOUG and Legato had agreed upon together.

Legato has been notified of this and will be sending follow up emails to correct any previous assumptions.

Thank you,

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