We've currently got Names Server running on 4 host boxes. If one Names server is down, the client is configured to automatically attempt to connect to the next one in the list. We had a problem recently were, if we issued a tnsping from any of the clients we got the following message.

TNS-03505 – Failed to resolve name

This implies that our client PC is unable to resolve the name and hence was not able to connect to the database. Usually this implies that something is wrong with all our Oracle Names servers.

Inorder to resolve this problem, I had to kill the Names Server on each of the 4 boxes and restart it.

The Names servers had somehow lost connection to the Oracle Names repository database, although the servers appear to be attached to the database.

I reckon we can reduce the chances of this problem occuring again, by adding a second Oracle Names database repository in our database cluster. This means, that if the NAMES servers lose connection to one repository, they can fall back on the second database without any loss of service.

What have other people done with their Names Server and respository and do they see any draw backs with the above.

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