Title: RE: Invalid column in table - how to access it?

> -----Original Message-----
> I have a table - messages.  I couldn't access one column in this table
> when I do
> Select name from messages;
> I get an error message - ORA-00904: invalid column name
> All the other columns I could select from this table.  When I checked
> the table structure through OEM, I found this column has double quotes
> around it i.e., "NAME".  All other columns do not have double quotes
> around their name.
> Question:
> How do I select this column from select statement?
> How do I correct this problem?

That's funny. "name" is not an Oracle Reserved Word (see Appendix C of the SQL reference manual) as far as I know. I was able to create a table called NAME with a column called NAME and do a select without the double quotes.

What would the output of
select column_name, dump (column_name)
from user_tab_columns
where table_name = 'THE_TABLE_NAME' ;

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