Title: RE: Sharing data between sessions

> From: Chuck Hamilton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> One of my developers wants to share data between sessions
> inside a package. Specifically he wants to set some sort of
> global variable in a package that session 1 executes, and
> when sessions 2,3...n fire a trigger he wants them to be able
> to read that variable. Is there an easy way to do this other
> than by using a table? I was thinking that java might have
> this ability but I don't know java at all. I know you can
> link a C program to a trigger and since this is on unix you
> could theoretically create a shared memory segment that the
> trigger would read but this sounds like to a lot of hoops to
> jump through.
> Any suggestions?

First, define "session".

A variable inside a package header is the usual solution to this.

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