I don't recall if the V$RESOURCE_LIMIT view existing in 7.3.4, but you might want to check.  It is a better diagnostic point for that particular resource...
The "init.ora" parameter SESSIONS is related to the ORA-00018 error message, not any of the licensing parameters.  Please use SHOW PARAMETER SESSIONS in SVRMGR to display its value.  Generally, people let the value of the SESSIONS parameter default to 1.1 * PROCESSES, but you can increase it if you like.
Hope this helps...
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 2:24 PM
Subject: ORA-00018: maximum number of sessions exceeded

We are running Oracle on an IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version 


This afternoon, our users started getting the error message “ORA-00018: maximum number of sessions exceeded.”  As time went on, the number of sessions was decreasing (as shown by the count of rows in v$session).  However, Oracle still did not allow connections.  This lasted for about 40 minutes. 


The sessions parameter in the initialization parameter file showed 300.


Querying v$session showed 246 rows.


Querying v$license reported:

SQL> select * from v$license;



------------ ---------------- ---------------- ------------------ ---------

           0                0              204                248         0


There seems to be a contradiction here:  300 sessions in init.ora; sessions_highwater at 248, and Oracle not allowing connections because the maximum has been reached.


Has anybody encountered this problem before.  Is there a “simple” reason for this erratic behavior? 


Management is looking for an answer as to why this has happened.  Thanks for any input!


Sam Bootsma



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