Title: RE: Analyzing indexes


Do you think these indexes are corrupt? Validate structure doesn't give you statistics like Compute Statistics or Estimate Statistics does.

Jerry Whittle
NCI Information Systems Inc.

    -----Original Message-----
    From:   Chuck Hamilton [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

    I need to determine whether or not a couple of indexes need to be rebuilt.
    The problem is the indexes are quite large and on a 24x7 high volume
    database. If I try to run an "analyze validate structure" to gather the data
    I need to make that decision, it sets a lock on the table for about an hour
    which I can't afford to do. There is no slow time when I can do this and
    management has said before they're not going to spring for the partitioning
    option to break the indexes up into managable pieces. Is there some other
    way I can get the information needed to determine if an index needs to be
    rebuilt or not without setting a lock on the table? We are on Oracle 8.1.7.

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