Title: Can't run full exports due to SMON wait

Running on RS6000/AiX 4.3.3.   We noticed this weekend that all our
full exports performed via sqlbacktrack for a given database were hanging.  
Killing the exports and restarting does not work.  

Checking waits, it looks as though the full exports start hanging on buffer
busy waits, on the same file/block as SMON, which in turn has been stuck it
appears, the entire weekend:

SID  EVENT                    P1TEXT  P1 P2TEXT  P2 P3TEXT     P3
----- ----------------------- ------- ---------- ------------- ---
    5 db file scattered read  file#   2 block#   69025 blocks  8

  SID Username         EVENT                   WAIT_TIME STATE  SECONDS_IN_WAIT
----- ---------------- ----------------------- ---------------- ---------------
    5                  db file scattered read  0 WAITING        246544   

SID O/S User        MACHINE              Program
----- --------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    5 oracle          indysdb02            [EMAIL PROTECTED] (SMON)
select i.obj#, i.flags, u.name, o.name    
from sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.ind$ i   
where  (bitand(i.flags, 256) = 256
or bitand(i.flags, 512) = 512)
and (not((i.type# = 9) and bitand(i.flags,8) = 8))
and o.obj#=i.obj# and o.owner# = u.user#

Before we resort to a bounce, I'm hoping that someone here may have seen this
before, or at least, have some idea as to what's going on with SMON.


Jeffery D Thomas
Thomson Information Services
Thomson, Inc.


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