    I've never worked in a DCE environment, but here's a couple of
things to verify:
1.  If libdce.a is not installed in the first place, is your environment
using DCE?  I think this is an LPP (a separately licensed product)
from IBM for AIX.   Try the following from a unix prompt:
$ lslpp -L |grep -i dce
I think you should get hits like
If you don't, then I wonder why dbv thinks it needs it...
Try the following just to make sure you're running the dbv
you think you are:
$ which dbv
It should return $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbv, for example:
$ which dbv
If it returns the Oracle 'dbv', then you might check the
$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/sysliblist to see if it
has an entry for libdce.  If so, the product was linked
at some point with the DCE Advanced Networking Option
(see MetaLink Note 1043700.6 
This doc notes the following:
NOTE: You may have to manually remove the library
reference from "sysliblist".  In Oracle 7.3.4, the Installer
did not remove the library reference  during a deinstallation.)
In any case, I would be slow to add PTFs or relink or make
other changes in a production environment just for the sake
of dbv (if the rest of the environment is stable) until I had
a better understanding of the opsys environment and
the Oracle installation history. 

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 3/12/03 5:15:58 PM >>>
Hi all,

First, thanks Jared for the info.

The libdce.a file does not exist on any of our AIX servers.  It just
AINT there!

I typed libdce.a into google and from there downloaded PTF2,3, and 4
that are supposed contain DCE fixes to this file.  Instructions say to
rename the old file and replace it with this new file. 

After the download, I was not able to uncompress the files on my XP
workstation.  So I ftp'd the file (in binary mode) to our AIX server and
used uncompress to expand the files to libdce2.exe, libdce3.exe,
libdce4.exe (originally the files were named libdce2.exe.Z, etc.).  The
.exe extension confused me (I am told .exe is Windows only, not UNIX). 

I ftp'd the files back to my workstation, and tried running it from DOS.
I get an error message "Program too big to fit in memory".  However, the
exe is only 217,856 bytes (not kilobytes).  My next step was to ask my
neighbour if he could unzip the original libdce2.exe.Z on his W2K
workstation - he was successful!  However, he received the same message
when he attempted to run the resultant .exe on his workstation. 

I am relatively new to UNIX (took a course, and did some reading, but
not much hands-on).  I am told by a more experience colleague that
.exe's do not run on UNIX.  So now I am at a loss on what to try next. 

Any ideas?


Sam Bootsma
George Brown College
416-415-5000 x4933

-----Original Message-----
Sent: March 11, 2003 7:14 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

Just found it:  on AIX ( 4.3 at least ) it's LIBPATH

03/11/2003 03:23 PM
Please respond to ORACLE-L

        To:     Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
        Subject:        Re: DBV Cannot Load Module LIBDCE.A

Make sure LD_LIBRARY_PATH includes /usr/lib.

At least, I think it's LD_LIBRARY_PATH, been awhile
since doing anything on AIX.  In any case, libdce.a
should be in /usr/lib.


PS. Google is your friend

"Sam Bootsma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
03/11/2003 01:44 PM
Please respond to ORACLE-L

        To:     Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
        Subject:        DBV Cannot Load Module LIBDCE.A

We are running Oracle on an IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version

When I attempt to run DBV I get the following error messages

$ dbv help=y
exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program dbv because of the following
        0509-150   Dependent module libdce.a(shr.o) could not be loaded.
        0509-022 Cannot load module libdce.a(shr.o).
        0509-026 System error: A file or directory in the path name does

not exist.

I do not want to play around with a custom installation to try to
missing components because this is a production database and because I
new here.  The regular DBA is on holidays and not available.

I did a search for file "libdce" on the original CD for "Oracle
for AIX based systems", but did not find it there.  I considered
installing Oracle 7.3.4 on my workstation and ftp'ing the files over the

network to my workstation.  Then doing the database verify.  But total
size of the data files is 25 GB, and this would unnecessarily clog up
network (even at night).

Any ideas on how I can resolve the DBV problem not loading problem?  The

short answer is to find the module libdce.a file and any modules

on this, but how do I do this?




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