Use orakill first, rather than using 'alter session kill', it's more
reliable.  You'll have to wait for Oracle to clean up the session.

On occasion the only way to clean it up is bounce the database,
which is why I always use kill -9 or orakill to start with.


On Friday 21 March 2003 05:53, Stefan Jahnke wrote:
> Hi list
> Is there any way to remove a killed session from v$session. Is it even
> necessary to do that ?
> I ran this:
> select spid, status, osuser, s.program from
> v$process p, v$session s where p.addr=s.paddr
> To check for the killed processes' spid in order to remove the thread (it's
> 9.2 on win2k) with orakill.
> But for the killed process, no process is shown. So, what's left ? Should I
> even bother or just wait
> till Oracle removes the killed session ?
> Regards,
> Stefan
> Stefan Jahnke
> Consultant
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