Title: RE: Reorganizing tables

Re "I do not use the 'alter table ... move ...' command since it retains
the old extent size for the very 1st extent in the new tablespace."

If you have LMT with uniform size and you move a table "up", each extent,
including the first will be of the uniform size. There is no "retaining the
old extent size". Eeven if you move "down", all extents, including the
first, will be of the uniform size, you just get enough initially to cover
whatever is requested for initial - which is why all my tables have an
initial  2K, next 2K storage clause. That leaves it entirely to the LMT to
allocated the necessary extents.

Alternately, you can specify a storage clause with a different, fitting
initial extent in the move command.

At 11:34 AM 3/24/2003 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi Dennis,
>Let me try to answer part of question#1. We only deal with warehouse
>applications. So there are only inserts and updates.
>All tablespaces are LMTs and I use 3 extent sizes (128K, 4M and 32M).
>I do not mix the staging (insert and truncate) tables and the normal tables
>in the same tablespace.
>Once I month, I run a job for tables in 128K and 4M tablespaces to see
>whether I need to promote them to a higher extent size. If so, I export,
>drop, recreate and import in a new tablespace. I do not use the 'alter table
>... move ...' command since it retains the old extent size for the very 1st
>extent in the new tablespace.

Wolfgang Breitling
Centrex Consulting Corporation


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