Title: RE: how to find INDEX CORRUPTION ???

analyze table MSG_HISTORY validate structure cascade;

If there is a problem with the table or any indexes, you should receive an error message. Rebuild that object.

Validating the structure of the table locks it up so don't do this while anyone is using the table especially if it's a large table with a lot of indexes.

Jerry Whittle
NCI Information Systems Inc.

    -----Original Message-----
    From:   Prem Khanna J [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


    I faced this error in an instsance of 8.1.6/win2k.

    Errors in file E:\ORACLE\ADMIN\ORA816\UDUMP\ORA00696.TRC:
    ORA-00600: Internal Error :[13013],[5001],[22211],[134225362],[15],[134225362],

    but this morning i dropped an existing index ( on 3 columns together ).
    and created a bitmap index on FROMMEMNO ( a column in MSG_HISTORY table ).
    when i delete a row from MSG_HISTORY table now , i get this ORA 600 error.

    if i drop the index , DELETE works fine .
    if i create a index , it results in ORA 600.

    metalink says that it might be because of ondex corruption.
    how do i find index corruption ?
    does it mean that even a new index on this particular column will be a corrupted
    index ?

    Help me guys.


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