Title: Database character set for Webshpere access
I've done US7ASCII to WE8ISO8859 with no trouble.  I think
that since the UTF character set is a superset of ASCII
there should be no problems, but I'd try it on a sandbox
-----Original Message-----
From: Godlewski, Melissa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 5:49 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: Database character set for Webshpere access


I've searched the faq list and metalink.  It appears the database character set for java etc should be al32utf8 and nls_character set of al16utf16 for a 9i R2 database.

Has anyone altered a database from US7ASCII to al32utf8 and al16utf16?  Any problems?

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