Title: RE: [ Oracle EnterPrise Manager]

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Dory Edson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>My question is about Oracle EnterPrise Manager
>I have installed Oracle 8.1.17i, and I can't start the Oracle
> EnterPrise Manager. (it can't find the service our server)
>I realized that the service OracleManagementService Isn't running,
>and if I try to start this service, it doesn't work.
> Windows 2000 server shows the message: Error 1053.

Where do you see that error message? In a log file?

Have you read the 8.1.7 Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide?

Have you tried turning on logging for the Management server to get more details on the error? From The Fine Manual:

<<Tracing and Logging for the Management Server
Logging and tracing of the Management Server is specified in the omsconfig.properties file, located in the $ORACLE_HOME\sysman\config directory.

TRACING.ENABLED = <true>|<false>  Activates/deactivates tracing. Default is false.

LOGGING.ENABLED = <true>|<false>  Activates/deactivates logging. Default is false.

LOGGING.DIR = <directory_spec>  Default is $ORACLE_HOME\sysman\log.

In order to set LOGGING.DIR to a directory of c:\temp, you must use "\\" and set LOGGING.DIR=c:\\temp
If you do not, the \t in c:\temp is read as a tab character and the Management Server fails to start. 
TRACING.LEVEL = <oem_trace_levels>
Set value to specify the detail of trace information to collect if tracing is enabled.
Possible values for <oem_trace_levels> are listed below:
5 - user: displays only messages of a critical or error level.
3 - admin: displays user trace level messages and warning messages.
2 - dev: displays all messages from admin trace level as well as informational and debug message

Defaults to oms.log.0, oms.log.1, oms.log.2, and so on.

LOGGING.MAX_SIZE = <integer>
Controls the total maximum size of the log files. The value you specify for the LOGGING.MAX_SIZE property is in MB. Its default value is 50 and will result in two log files of max size 25MB. Setting the parameter to 0 indicates that a single log file will be used with no limit.

Defines the maximum number of files the log will span at any given time. The cumulative size of all the files would be less than or equal to LOGGING.MAXSIZE.

Default value is 2.
If LOGGING.MAX_SIZE=0 (unlimited log size), LOGGING.MAX_FILE_CNT will not make sense and hence ignored.

You can always experiment with running the console "standalone", without an Oracle Management Service (though there are several operations that depend on the OMS). At least I know you can do it in 9.2, by entering this at the command line:

oemapp console oem.loginmode=standalone

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