Title: RE: query run time vs IN list elements


1. Just because you created an index doesn't necessarily mean Oracle is using it especially if using CBO and you haven't analyzed the table and index after the index creation. Try using a hint.

2. If IN isn't meeting your needs, try converting it to an EXISTS statement.

Jerry Whittle
NCI Information Systems Inc.

    -----Original Message-----
    From:   gmei [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


    Today I have something I don't fully understand. I have oracle 8173 on Sun
    Solaris. I have the following query that runs pretty fast when the number of
    elements in the "IN" list is small. But if I kept adding more "geneids" in
    the IN list, my query time increased dramatically. Now there is no index on
    any columns on the table. I got very similar results even if I created index
    on gene2disease2H.geneid. So this seem to suggest this situation has not to
    do with index.

    So my question is: why did I see the sigificant time increase when I only
    add one more geneid?



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