Title: Message
Don't know if what we do in our shop here qualifies for your question or not, but our dev groups do "stand-up meetings." Relatively quick meetings (that can be done standing up; no meeting rooms required) that are usually finished in about 20 minutes. In the stand-ups, we get heads-up for things and specifications that might be coming down the pipeline from the product management and design side. We get a quick update on the state of deployment (what version has rolled into production, what version is in the QA pipeline) and what the next impending set of changes are about to get pushed onto the dev servers. If there's any potential "gotcha"s that have been experienced (especially on the coding front) they get publicized in the stand-ups as well.
The main point of our stand-ups are to make sure that all the developers are relatively aware of the scheduling and direction of the product, and to highlight any programming difficulties and workarounds that might arise so that when different developers hit those gotchas, they'll already know that a solution might already.
These stand-up meetings are basically within a development team/group. Project leads have their own meetings with the product management group. So essentially, the product manager has his own meetings; then the product manager has meetings with the dev project leads to convey what they want in the next iteration of the product; the project leads then present these to the dev group in a stand-up meeting.
-----Original Message-----
From: M.Godlewski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 12:30 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: Tech meetings

Just wondering if your organization has tech meetings, and what is discussed and what the goals of the meetings are?
I've been asked about this, and was wondering if there is a quick list out there any where.

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