Title: Message
Do you really base your decision on input from here? People, businesses, requirements, yadda-yadda, are so different, that you probably won't find any truth from here.
I was *lucky* to inherit several DWs up to 2TBs few years ago on Oracle,  on Windows NT 4.0 SP5 on Compaq Intel boxes on shitty Compaq RAID-5 storage, plain PL/SQL ETL, practically non-existent BI and customer satisfaction 0 (internal customers in concern).  Couldn't change much anything either..
I believe you'll exclude this from your list ;)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 10:09 PM
Subject: Oracle DW Implementation


For those who are using Oracle as your data warehouse platform, could you please answer the following questions with your DW implementation The information is needed to make a  decision on the new data warehouse implementation?

Version (8i/9i): ______________________________

Data Size (3 TB): ______________________________

Total Storage Size (6 TB):________________________

OS platform ( SUN E10000): _______________________

Storage Vendor(EMC): ____________________________

ETL Product (OWB): ______________________________

BI product (Cognos): ____________________________

Customer Satisfaction (5 most, 1 least): ________________________


Thanks for your input. Your input will be value for the list too.

Ping Dong

Northrop Grumman IT

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