
         We are having problems creating the objects and granting the
access. We figured out that our problem is granting the access because we
were intended to use the DBA's login, but we can't because the only one
that can grant access to the object is the owner, correct?
 Yes.  Have the owner grant appropriate permissions to a role. Then grant
the role to a user.

         Do you know how to implement an environment so that allow log on
only from a specific machine/ip for a given login?
You can write a trigger that compares the user's IP address with known IP
addresses and disallow it if it is not a particular one. The IP address is
captured in the System Context function   SYS_CONTEXT
('USERENV','IP_ADDRESS') or via the V$SESSION table. You can use fine grain
access for this as well.

         How do you (as DBA) create objects and give its permissions? With
the owner's login?

 As a DBA I create the objects for another schema either by logging in as
the schema owner or by prefixing the schema owner's name before each object

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