We are going to be installing a small web application in our DMZ.  The application was built using JSP, running on an Apache/tomcat configuration. The back end is small (< 1Gb) oracle standard edition database (v9.2.0)
We are going to run this on a dual-processor dell server.  There will be lots of OLTP (online lookups) but the actual transaction is very small (enter an address and it tells you where your polling station is).
We have several options for configuring the server.  What would be better?
a) Dual Xeon 3.06GHz w/1M cache and 2GB Ram: $8,423
d) Dual Zeon 2.4Ghz w/512K cache and 4Gb Ram : $8,872
is it better to skimp slightly on the cpu's and go for more ram (ie. caching more)?
Thanks for any info.
Shannon St. Dennis
Database Administrator
City of Regina
(306) 777-7415 (phone)
(306) 777-6804 (fax)
The degree of normality in a database is inversely proportional to that of its DBA

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